by glitchapp
Boxclip site
Spinny the runner: mechanical menace (temporary tittle, it may change in the future) is a platform game with mechanics of the 16 bits...
by ade
MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.
Added as backend for mediainfo-gui...
This app is an alternative youtube client. You can watch videos and subscribe to channels. Subscriptions are offline.
by glitchapp
Star Phase (Fork from
A top down / side scrolling space shooter made with Lua and Love2D.
This app depends on...
by ade
Warning regarding SailfishOS upgrades:
to prevent any misbehavior of the cron daemon, please stop the daemon before starting any OS upgrade
by thigg
This app packages the matrixclient hydrogen-web in a WebView.
Features E2E encrypted messages, offline storage.
Please report bugs to: https://github...
by szopin
Native viewer/browser for SFOS Forum
Icon by dseight
You can translate to your language on Transifex:
Support thread on SFOS forum: https://forum....
by kan
Iftop is a free software command-line system monitor tool developed by Paul Warren.
by glitchapp
a simple, fast-paced one-button platformer by SimonLarsen (
You need löve runtime to run this app.
version 0.2....
by zuyev
Православные молитвослов и календарь (1901-2099). Языки: русский, английский (только молитвослов), болгарский (только молитвослов).
Orthodox prayer...
by kan
A combined block list for DNScrypt-proxy or DNS alternative. Block list was generated by from github Combining-...
36 Questions is a game about bonding.
by glitchapp
A remake of the game "Thrust II" released on 1987 and remade by Pedro Gimeno (pgimeno).
Original repository:
by rob_k
A log for your kilometers / mileage, whether for invoicing costs per km to your employer or clients, or for tracking your targets.
by szopin
4chan client, continuation of Tabasku's Neliapila (
New features:
- Handle >>>/board/thread...
Expenditure is a simple app for tracking expenses in groups
Forecasts, monitors, and other gadgets at a glance
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