
by Polleke
User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell Midnight Commander is a visual shell much like a file manager, only with many more features...
Fileman a feature filled file manager application for SailfishOS.   Use at your own risk. You can use this app to corrupt files and break Sailfish on...
by vasvlad
Daemon for Weather forecast application MeeCast on SailfishOS See http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1456532#post1456532 for details
by vasvlad
The MeeCast eventview widget displays weather information at the top of SailfishOS' eventsview. Note that the harbour-meecast-eventview packages are...
by mjbdev
A mostly read-only GUI for the 1Password command-line tool on Sailfish OS. Version 0.9.4 QuayCentral is an unofficial application and is in no way...
by ade
Rwx-calc is a small utility for calculating file and directory permissions as found on Unix/Linux like system, including the Jolla. You can provide...
by p2501
This is a simple viewer for PassBook® files. The app searches the file system, starting in the home directory, for passes, and shows them in a list....
by ade
Zint is a suite of programs to allow easy encoding of data in any of the wide range of public domain barcode standards and to allow integration of...
by halftux
This is HexTool for Sailfish. HexTool is a simple calculator for hex, bin, oct and dec. All values are editable so you can put a new hexdecimal value...
by ade
A helper tool for electronic parts. Fork of https://github.com/thesignal/ohm Features: SMD Resitor Calculator Resistor with colorrigns calculator...
by ade
TAO Translator from https://openrepos.net/content/leppa/tao-translator-sailfishos
This is a simple app to manage and run often used shell commands without using the terminal. It comes with some ready to use presets to show all...
harbour-sailtasklist List&Task app for Sailfish OS Simply, quick and easy. Create your lists and enjoy. The application allows you to create and...
by ade
BarWal in a way is a continuation of ClubCode, as extending ClubCode is not easy to do and the data storage system is not very flexible. BarWal (...
Simple battery monitor to show orientation capacity for Xperia 10 V until Jolla will release fixed SFOS Capacity in percent in this app is calculated...
by slava
Barcode reader for Sailfish OS. Based on the original CodeReader app by Steffen Förster. At some point the original one just stopped working and I...
by Sharks
Continuation of Nicd's harbour-pitot for aarch64. Source: https://github.com/sharks-dev/harbour-pitot. Original application description as follows:...
by coderus
Simple GUI for viewing systemd logs Application showing new log messages since launching. Features: Saving log to selected location Options to load...
by slava
Based on the original Value Logger by kimmoli. The original one worked well on Jolla1 until my databases grew to thousands of entries and UI got...
by slava
Generates QR codes from the text copied to clipboard. Source code: https://github.com/monich/harbour-qrclip
by coderus
Application fot streaming screen over network. Designed for presentations, application send only changed frames. After connect you have to do...
by mkiol
Note taking, reading and translating with offline Speech to Text, Text to Speech and Machine Translator. Speech Note let you take, read and translate...
by kan
Polish keyboard layout with arrow keys and XT9 support. How to: Prerequisite: Installed arrow-keyboard-common package or repository zypper ar -f...
by ade
ExifTool is a customizable set of Perl modules plus a full-featured commandline application by Phil Harvey for reading and writing meta information...
