by ade
This app is intended for Dutch users
Welkweer is a Dutch app, providing weather info for the Netherlands. The info is mainly from, but...
by vasvlad
MeeCast - multiplatform highly customizable open source weather forecast client based on OMWeather code
by ade
Unofficial app for the Dutch news service NOS
With NedNieuws you can read articles from NOS and view different categories. This way you will always...
gPodder downloads and manages free audio and video content ("podcasts") for you. Listen directly on your computer or on your mobile devices.
by flypig
The FOSDEM'25 schedule on your Sailfish OS phone.
Browse the tracks, peruse the talk descriptions, favourite the talks you want to attend to create a...
by cnlpete
Simple rain map viewer for the rain maps provided by
Requires mapbox-gl to be available (should be available if you have pure maps...
by cnlpete
ttrss is a Tiny Tiny RSS Reader App for the Nokia N9 and Jolla smart phone, written using Qt/QML. It uses the Tiny Tiny RSS API.
Hafenschau is an unoffical content viewer for for SailfishOS.
I am not the publisher or creator of the content displayed in this...
by kirbylife_
Wallaread - SailfishOS client for Wallabag 2+
This project is a fork of the original goestreicher repository. This is the continuation of that...
by nemishkor
This app shows information about air raid alerts on the map of Ukraine. Data source:
There is no background daemon or...
by nemishkor
Ukrainska Pravda is a Ukrainian online newspaper founded by Georgiy Gongadze on 16 April 2000 (the day of the Ukrainian constitutional referendum)....
by ilpianista
An unofficial Hacker News client.
This application is also available via Chum.
or Bitcoins.
Source code on GitHub.
by Buschtrommel
Client for the ownCloud/Nextcloud News App. Successor of ocNews.
by Kormil
Application for checking the current state of air quality.
Powietrze takes current state of air quality from:
Apocalypse is an application for showing messages from german warning services like DWD, MOWAS, BIWAPP and KATWARN. Never miss the apocalypse in...
by flypig
The FOSDEM'23 schedule on your Sailfish OS phone.
Browse the tracks, peruse the talk descriptions, favourite the talks you want to attend to create a...
by kuba77
Third party app for The Guardian. The app uses official API "the Guardian Open Platform" for content (editors picks articles). API access is limited...
by joeysys
A simple selfoss client
About selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
by poetaster
This is a re-launch of a simple SFOS qml app against The old app was called News Aggregater and available on the Jolla store. In order...
by mkiol
Multi aggregators mobile feed reader
Kaktus requires backend service (an aggregator). Currently following RSS aggregators are supported:
Gismeteo - great weather app, still works in 2022. Also available for Symbian.
Choose your favourite city or add your location (by tapping on the...
by rob_k
Show a slide show of 10 news photos from The Guardian, "Photo highlights of the day", and also from Der Spiegel, "Bilder des Tages" and Dutch news...
by birdzhang
A simple Cnbeta client
Thanks cnbeta1's API and cnBeta reader at Oschina
感谢 Oschina ...
by gbour news reader (tech news in french).
This application is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license.
Application source code is available at...
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