36 Questions is a game about bonding.
by Kormil
This is SailfishOS port of fheroes2 which is a recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.
Game info
„This open source multiplatform...
by glitchapp
simple flappy bird build with phones in mind (touch control and portrait mode)
Löve runtime must be installed first.
v0.2 is not an update but...
by glitchapp
Qua Editor
repository: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/quaEditor
A rhythm game editor for .qua beatmaps, optimized for both mobile and desktop...
by glitchapp
This is my first RPM built for sailfish OS. The app should run a touch input demo I created to port some LÖVE games to mobiles.
This app depends on...
by glitchapp
Procedurally generated maze using Recursive Backtracking algorithm by Trystan (see Readme.md for details) forked and turned into a game
This app...
by glitchapp
Arkanoid written in lua /löve2d.
This game was particularly written to demonstrate how powerful anima can be. For starters Anima is an "easy to learn...
by glitchapp
A fork of a clone of Candy Crush (Match-3) in Love2d
by szopin
On device compiled skifree (https://github.com/jeff-1amstudios/skifree_sdl) with just fullscreen and touch controls added - tap left half of the...
by stoefelz
Aarch64 build of:
https://openrepos.net/content/melvin/binary-fun by melvin
by poetaster
This is a wordle like math game. Instead of looking for words, you find the calculation for the solution.
The order of operations is DMAS so that you...
by aviarus
compiled foxhunting for aarch64 this is the original description:
Логическая игра "Охота на лис" для SailfishOS, 2018-2019г
Реализация логической...
by poetaster
This is a continuation of the really excellent tutorial from Edward Angeles and a big thanks for the 3.2 engine and templates from sashikknox!...
by poetaster
This is a 'mobile-first hack' of the Molecules game from https://github.com/miskatonicstudio/molecules
- A simple clone of Osmos, made with Godot...
by poetaster
Scaler Multi-track graphing Function Musical Synth
This is a QT Sailfish WebView wrapper around https://alexcrist.github.io/scaler/
You define tracks...
by poetaster
Balldrop is a godot experimental audio toy. It is based on: https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop a Godot 3.1 experiment.
Four balls are fired from...
by poetaster
A Mahjong Solitaire, Mah!
A Mahjong Solitaire with numerous layouts that saves best times per game and allows you to select backgrounds and tilesets...
by Rikujolla
Fast chess application with a chess clock, chess in two-player mode or against Stockfish chess engine.
by smartblu9
Monstar from Nerd Attack. All Rights Reserved.
Monstar is a cute monster avatar creation app birthed in the secret laboratories of Nerd Attack. Our...
by poetaster
A classic Tower defense game. Your defensive machines against the invading hordes of alien robot overlords.
Original game from https://github.com/...
by poetaster
This is a simple reset of a failed game from the Jolla store. That was called greenmahjong and I've kept to that title to reflect it's history and...
by nesnomis
Circle Jump is a small (but kind of addictive) game.
It is made by KidsCanCode as a tutorial for godot game creation. I simply did some small changes...
by poetaster
This is a two person board tiles and the rules to play Go, without an AI as yet.
Go or Weiqi, Weichi (simplified Chinese: 围棋; traditional Chinese: 圍棋...
by smartblu9
NFS Shift from Electronic Arts. 2010. All Rights Reserved.
This is a "stock" game (included in the ROM of N9-harmattan-PR1.3).
Just here as a backup...
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