by rzr
Graphical dungeon crawling game
This is a roguelike originally developed specifically for the Gameboy
Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an...
by rzr
SDL-based Hanafuda game.
Hanafuda is a Japanese card game which is also played in Korea, where it's known as "Hwa-T'u".
by rzr
Protect your seaside lunch from greedy seagulls.
Just as you settle down for a delicious plate of chips in the sleepy
seaside town of Aberystwyth a...
by rzr
free implementation of Flashback game engine
REminiscence is a free re-implementation of the game engine used to run the
Flashback platform action...
by rzr
fast-pace, difficult and addictive rocks dodging game
This is a fairly hard game, intended to be a quickie game for when
you want to kill a few...
by rzr
7day roguelike. SDL with character tiles. Keyboard only.
by rzr
A multi-touch pong-like game for two players
Plonk is an enjoyable multi-touch game for your MeeGo device.
Initially developed during the MeeGo...
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