by Mau97
Talking Cat is 3D animated cat that talks and repeat what you say. You can interact with him by tapping the screen.
It is developed by Pico Brothers,...
by Star
by miladghusn
This is a save game editor for Galaxy on Fire 2 for the Nokia N9. Having this game installed and at least one save game is a pre-requisite to use...
by Mau97
This is the rare ePong game,created on the Nokia Developer Site.
It was only an example to demostrate the new graphics,expecially the "Particles 2.0...
by birdzhang
A copy of swingcopters
1.本软件是由 “蝉曦” 制作,详情请移步:
by talan
This program is a clone of the memory game Simon.
by lightdot
EmuMaster emulates popular consoles, such as PSX, NES, SNES, GBA, AMIGA, PICO. The gallery presents game disks with either screenshots or covers and...
by mad_soft
PPSSPP is a free PSP video game console emulator with an increased focus on speed and portability. It was first released to the public on November 1...
by guten_morgen
This is the latest unofficial BETA of EmuMaster 0.4.0 dated September 2012. It was never released to public and was available only to beta testers....
by rzr
Game data for Alien Blaster
Your mission is simple: Stop the invasion of the aliens and blast them!
Alien Blaster is a classic 2D shoot 'em...
by rzr
graphics and audio data for monsterz
Monsterz is an arcade puzzle game, similar to the Bejeweled, Zookeeper
or Zooo games. The goal is to swap...
by rzr
Data files containing fortune cookies
There are far over 15000 different 'fortune cookies' in this package.
You'll need the fortune-...
by rzr
Z-Shell Empire client
zec is a client for Empire (,
a real time, multiplayer, internet-based game, featuring...
by rzr
levels and graphics for Abuse
This package contains the levels and graphics for the game Abuse
with the Free Abuse (fRaBs) extensions.
by rzr
Data files containing fortune cookies
This package contains a small number of 'fortune cookies' for the
bandwidth conscious. There are...
by rzr
data files for INSTEAD
INSTEAD -- INterpreter of Simple TExt ADventure.
Using INSTEAD you can create and play games that could be classified
as a...
by rzr
Data files containing offensive fortune cookies
This package contains 'fortune cookies' which some may consider to be
offensive. Please...
by rzr
Required data files for heroes
Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes
many graphical...
by rzr
ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
This package contains a 'high quality audio-visual demonstration'
of ASCII-art using AAlib, a portable...
by rzr
Quake II port.
A first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and distributed by Activision.
To run the game copy pak0.pak from...
by rzr
Avoid evil foodstuffs and make burgers
This is a clone of the classic game "BurgerTime". In it, you play the
part of a chef who must...
by rzr
arcade-style game
This package provides the game engine for Rocks'n'Diamonds, an arcade
game in the tradition of "Boulder Dash...
by rzr
provides fortune cookies on demand
These are the machine-dependent parts of the fortune package, i.e.
the fortune program and the programs used for...
by rzr
Plays a game of chess, either against the user or against itself
Gnuchess is an updated version of the GNU chess playing program. It has a
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