by zuyev
Православные молитвослов и календарь (1901-2099). Языки: русский, английский (только молитвослов), болгарский (только молитвослов).
Orthodox prayer...
by halftux
An Qt based HP-41cx Emulator first based on Eric's NSIM-0.61 Project.
Ported to C++ and extended by an graphical Qt-based User-interface.
by halftux
PetitTrack is a satellite tracker. PetitTrack is based on the keplerian propagator algorithm used in kd2bd's Predict software. At this stage v1.3.0...
by poetaster
Calculate mathematical derivatives, integrals, limits and expression solvers using Python & SymPy.
Inspired by Roberto Colistete Jr., who had...
by hb9hei
This app is intended for HAM radio operators.
It displays the current GPS Position as Maidenhead Locator (used in HAM Radio).
Also show GPS position...
by glitchapp
Solar system engine written in lua / löve featuring real astronomical values and formulas.
This app depends on LÖVE runtime, make sure you install it...
by zuyev
Bible is a simple parser for Bibles stored in ZefaniaXML. These are available for free in multiple translations here:
by AndyWuest
The SailDSB application is a native Sailfish OS client for DSBmobile (Android and iOS app).
The application uses the original APIs to talk to the...
by spirit
The FreeBible application is completely free for learning and daily reading, and it is designed for everyone.
What is FreeBible?
by mkiol
Offline reader for Wikipedia
Another engineering app for your construction site. Calculate the right amount of cement, sand, gravel and water for any concrete project and desired...
by poetaster
Fibonacci is both a symbolic RPN calculator using Sympy with a programmable calculator using exprtk c++ for procedural operations.
The RPN front end...
by zuyev
Псалтирь. Языки: русский (Псалмы и Песни Священного Писания на русском (синодальный перевод) и церковнославянском языках, молитвы на...
by zuyev
Новый Завет. Язык русский. New Testament. Language Russian.
by halftux
Ti85 emulator. You will need a rom file, it is not included.
After starting the application you need to switch the calculator on with the ON button....
by K_bsp port to Sailfish OS.
It's an translator which I use the most because of its wide range of subjects from science to literature. The...
by arustg
Simple Percentage Calculator.
Source code
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
Reverse Polish Notation calculator
by arustg
Simple Piano Keyboard.
Source code
by kif
AstroCalc is ment as the amateur astronomers pocket book, containing everything you need to plan a night watching the sky.
Currently AstroCalc can...
by Aspor
Periodic table for SailfishOS with element properties and different color schemes.
by explit
Rebuild and Fork of the Voltfish Application from sigurg.
i486 and aarch64 added.
If you have Problems with SailfishOS >= than disable...
Calculate woodworking projects like a pro. This engineering app does static calculations for wooden beams and pillars. Pick your general situation...
by WerkWolf
Say hello to Wunderfitz, your dictionary and translation app!
Wunderfitz supports dictionary export files and already includes the...
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