by glitchapp
Boxclip site
Spinny the runner: mechanical menace (temporary tittle, it may change in the future) is a platform game with mechanics of the 16 bits...
by glitchapp
a simple, fast-paced one-button platformer by SimonLarsen (
You need löve runtime to run this app.
version 0.2....
36 Questions is a game about bonding.
by glitchapp
A remake of the game "Thrust II" released on 1987 and remade by Pedro Gimeno (pgimeno).
Original repository:
by glitchapp
IYFCT is a simple but fun one-button-game similar to Canabalt.
What's different on this fork:
Added touch support
Replaced assets
##. Instructions...
by slava
Guess the WORDLE in 6 tries.
Each guess must be a valid 5 letter word. Hit the enter button to submit.
After each guess, the color of the tiles will...
by glitchapp
A clone of the puzzle game “Rush Hour” in lua for the löve framework.
Rush Hour is a...
by arustg
Adaptation of a famous browser game for the Sailfish OS. No ads.
Source code
by slava
Guess the WORDLE in 6 tries.
Each guess must be a valid 5 letter word. Hit the enter button to submit.
After each guess, the color of the tiles will...
by glitchapp
A LÖVE port of the classic Arcade game Ladybug.
This app depends on LÖVE runtime, make sure you install it first:
by glitchapp
Endless shoot 'em up game. It's still kinda in development but already playable
Forked from:
Mobile tweaks and port:...
by glitchapp
This a fork of 'pacpac', a pacman clone written by "tylerneylon" original repository:
Fork: https://codeberg....
by glitchapp
A fork of
My main goal with this fork is to prove if it is possible to port this game to mobile...
by glitchapp
Another great 3d game by "alessan99". Source:
I'm not the original developer of this game, the original developer...
by glitchapp
Tetris clone written in lua & Löve2d
Game logic from
Music by Eric Matyas (selected Track: '...
by glitchapp
An arcade-style gravity game forked from
This app depends on LÖVE runtime, make sure you install it first:...
by glitchapp
A fully compliant, playable chess engine written in Lua and rendered with the Love2D game framework forked from
by Rikujolla
The idea of the game is to make words by selecting letters. The game is at it's best when having multiple players on the same LAN network.
Issues and...
by glitchapp
Firefighting game made with LÖVE, developed by Tangram Games.
by glitchapp
I'm not the original developer of this game, I simply ported it to sailfish os.
by glitchapp
Pseudo 3d racer written in Lua and LÖVE (fork)
Max Downforce is a racing game programmed in Lua and LÖVE. The pseudo 3d style and gameplay is similar...
by Sharks
Sailmines is a minesweeper game for Sailfish OS, and it is my first foray into QML and Linux app development in general.
Planned features:
by Kormil
This is SailfishOS port of fheroes2 which is a recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.
Game info
„This open source multiplatform...
by glitchapp
Fish Fillets Remake is a new version of the puzzle game Fish Fillets created by ALTAR interactive with Lua and LÖVE using modern libraries, not to be...
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