by Osanwe
The tool shows basic info about WiFi networks around you, such as ssid, channel, and signal level.
You can check souce code here:
by Osanwe
The unofficial client for
by Osanwe
The tool for tracking your tasks with pomodoro technique distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3.
With this application you can:
- Edit your...
by n9dyfi
HexTool is a simple calculator for hex, bin, oct and dec. It is based on the N900 hextool application with the UI rewritten for Meego/Harmattan....
by lourens
Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.
by anenash
The unofficial client for the,, and online radiostations.
Free public stream has been closed, so...
by mumudada
This program can control the APK background service, 1, stop all, mobile phone screen after killing APK programs activity and service; 2, If on...
by CSX6400
Spaceport is a native client for SailfishOS.
When will the next Falcon 9 from Spacex soar to the skies? Which cosmonauts were on...
by n9dyfi
TextEditor is a simple text editor application for the Nokia N9 phone. It includes a minimalistic file browser for opening and saving files. For more...
by coderus
Patch adding notifications count icon to Switcher.
Can be customized in settings.
Works only if application window title exactly match notification...
by coderus
Patch available to install from Patchmanager 2.0. Updates for newer SailfishOS versions would be only available via web catalog. No new updates in...
by onion
An un-official N9 client app for Radio X3M, the swedish speaking radio channel in Finland.
Update: Work again with low-quality rtsp streams, yay!
by mumudada
sailfish os 自带的拼音输入法字库里好多字都没有,所以我就想着怎么能打出这些字来,于是就移植了google的拼音输入法,本人水平有限,所以别奢求太多,凑合用吧,至少能打出很多汉字了....有什么bug发邮件
by onion
The GPS Hello World app. Shows basic GPS information.
The source will be soon available to show how to get GPS information trough D-Bus and GeoClue...
by HuyliGun
This utilite can make all vollume up to 200%. (dynamic and headset)
by taixzo
GroupMe client for Sailfish OS.
You will need a GroupMe API token to use this app. You can get one at
by onion
Onki is a Onkyo and Integra A/V receiver remote controll application for Jolla devices.
by cargocult
This app takes a photo each time you have moved a given distance. The distance is taken from GPS. This continues as long as the Run button is on,...
by V10lator
All the good filesystems Jolla Oy missed!
For Intex Aqua Phone and Jolla C (Kernel 3.10.49+ / SfOS (Aurajoki)) only!
This package...
by daniele
A Google Hangouts native client
by euf
Приложение показывает расписание на электрички в России и некоторых других странах, используя данные сервиса Яндекс.Расписания.
Репозиторий: https...
by jcoder
A small app to calculate cost and duration of annuity loans
by ginggs
btinput allows you to connect a bluetooth keyboard to your phone.
See also: btinput project at Bitbucket.
by ginggs
BTinput terminal is a copy of meego-terminal, with one added functionality. It supports enabling and disabling of VKB. It is meant to be used with...
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