
by Ygriega
An application for tracking the women's cycle. Displays the menstruation, ovulation and PMS days in the calendar. Supports multiple profiles. Color...
Helsinki Transit Stops is an application for Sailfish OS to show departures from Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) public transportation stops. Source...
Locations and real-time occupancy of Helsinki city bike stations. Included are all Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) city bike stations. Data is real-...
by veskuh
Tweetian for Sailfish OS is a port of popular MeeGo/Symbian application Tweetian to Sailfish OS. Tweetian is open source and licensed under GPL v3....
This is a Georgian keyboard for Sailfish OS.  ეს არის ქართული კლავიატურა Sailfish ოპერაციული სისტემისთვის.
This is a simple app, that shows information about incoming ssh connection including incoming clients ip address. Also it gives notification when...
Patch for changing Happy and Sed icons on success/error backup process. Included set of 6 Happy/Sad custom icons. * Restart homescreen (lipstick)...
This is a fonts package for Georgian language. This is needed to read most Georgian text on the internet. ეს არის ქართული ფონტები, რომელიც საჭიროა...
Change the "Goodbye!" and "One moment..." texts on shutdown/reboot screens to your prefered custom text. Thanks to Markkyboy & Eatdirt for...
by lourens
GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval...
by taixzo
  Saera is a voice controlled personal assistant for mobile devices. It allows you to set alarms, send texts, read emails and more, all with the...
UNOFFICIAL version of GetiPlay. Official version is here. Experimental features/changes in this version (as of 06/02/2017): Fixed download error 'no...
Sounds of poppular russian youtube show 
by Razumey
Easy to change the volume of the speaker applet in the device settings Atention Please: OpenMode Users: just download and install Other users: just...
by gaelic
Austrian Corpus files and dictionary Bascially okboard now detects words like leiwand, Krautfleckerl and Blunzngröstl. Also word suggestions are...
by pavi
Telugu Quotes Quotes in Telugu language displayed as cards. Usage: Just swipe to get to the next quote. Source :
by kuba77
Sailaqua helps you drink water properly and stay hydrated. After add your weight, app calculate how much water you should drink per day. It's my...
SeriesFinale is a TV series browser and tracker application. Its goal is to help you manage the TV shows you watch regularly and keep track of the...
A simple torch app, originally written for the LG Nexus 5 (codename "hammerhead") port of Sailfish OS. Uses GStreamer by default, with hardware...
by shellkr
zx2c4 Pass is a very simple password store that keeps passwords inside gpg2 encrypted files inside a simple directory tree residing at ~/.password-...
by shellkr
pwgen generates random, meaningless but pronounceable and thus easy to remember passwords. The also contained makepasswd gives even more options...
by shellkr
Tree is a recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files, which is colorized ala dircolors if the LS_COLORS...
by Ingvix
Adds a timer to shows how many seconds has passed since a timer alarm was triggered. Might be useful if alarm happens to trigger when you're not...
This is the Italian language package for the gesture based keyboard OKBoard.Note: you need OKBoard to be installed for this package to work. The...
