by ilovekiruna
ONLY FOR TESTING! This app is not ready for everyday using!
Packaged code by CODeRUS on github (
by M1KE___
Gameboy Color emulator for Sailfish OS
Put your *.gbc roms to "/home/nemo/Documents/jboycolor_roms". The folder will be also created on first launch.
by M1KE___
Gameboy emulator for Sailfish OS
Put your *.gb roms to "/home/nemo/Documents/jboy_roms". The folder will be also created on first launch.
Some *.gbc...
by Schturman
Portuguese kb + Color Emoji ( Require : harbour-dolphin-keyboard >= 1.3-2 )
Before installation you must to enable saberaltria repository. You can...
by AlexeyTrusov
This is an application that helps to monitor daily calory consumption, keep personal medical data for an emergency, because nowdays phone is the...
Coin flip application
by dcaliste
A map viewer for Jolla Sailfish OS.
It is intended to be light-weight and fast. It is used to browse tiled maps from different sources including Open...
by mikhel_sk
Simple guitar/violin tuner
by ken4scholars
An offline dictionary/translator based on QStarDict and Sidudict with some improvements
by mboronin
Simple metronome application.
by Deerleader
Icon and local storage will be added soon.
by iibragimov
Простой переводчик. Simple translator.
Tatyana Voteva
Alexey Mukhin
Ilmir Ibragimov
by ratijas
Search iTunes Store, add RSS from the Intenet, subscribe to your favorite stations to get free updates. With Sailcast Podcast you'll never miss your...
by TrickOrTreat
A simple TODO app with an ability to set the deadline for your todos.
- Add a TODO with a deadline
- List all your TODOs
- Remove TODOs (...
by grib
Poems collection of great Mayakovsky
by Niro
Simple educational project for Internet radio.
Icon from
Playlist from
by plov
Simple Tabata Timer with history persisting.
by coderus
OpenGApps Pico 4.4 ARM crafted from Intex Aqua Fish
Only for Jolla C
You need to reboot device after installation.
Removing this package will NOT...
by anenash
Sorry, I can not use this service any more.
Mobile application for the Guidebox service.
Guidebox is an internet TV episode and movie finder. It...
by Osanwe
This is an unofficial client for
You can:
- Viewing profiles and groups
- Reading news
- Chatting
Follow us in and you will receive...
by halftux
MyMoves is an application which adds a functionality of opening applications using multitouch gestures.
It currently works in Nokia Harmattan phones...
by halftux
The application will show a system notification. It could be used in scripts. When you only set one of summary or body text, then it will show a...
by yuvraaj
qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for Maemo written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX Snow...
by fishegg
This app can tell you how many days countdown to...
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