by ellefj
Swedish language resources for OKboard (dictionary & prediction data).
Created from balanced data resources like newspapers, novels, blogs,...
by GoAlexander
Ahoy sailors!
App is for exporting notes and bookmarks as plain text from the default apps. All exported *.txt`s are stored in your ~/Documents...
by akssri
Brahmic scripts are very character rich, and normally occupy both rows of a normal QWERTY-esque keyboard, often enveloping parts of the punctuation...
by hzb
HAMtower is mobile client for the Finnish amateur radio (HAM radio) repeater/beacon database
Please note! This application is...
by Schturman
You can hide navigation bar in dalvik for playing android games for exampple...
By pressing on the icon it will hide/unhide navigation bar.
Thanks to...
by chrm
CryptMee is a GnuPG frontend and LibOTR backend for Harmattan (Nokia N9/N950).
You can encrypt and decrypt text, view encrypted emails, manage your...
by saberaltria
CangJie & Quick Support
Paypal :
by akssri
A terminal multiplexer; an alternative to GNU Screen.
(Note: You'll need to install libevent from openrepos.)
by xDShot
A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor. Official stable release.
github repo:
Description from github...
by Kaffeine
Telepathy connection manager for Telegram network is going on.
Take a note that there is a number of limitation in Telepathy specification and...
by BillyIII
OfflineIMAP is software that downloads your email mailbox(es) as local Maildirs.
by alina
Removes space also before ; : in non-French languages and ) ] } / \ @ ’ ” > » as well as Arabic diacritics and punctuations ، ؛ ؟.
Jolla keyboard...
by rolandh
A simple app providing live results from the Swiss national ice hockey leagues, National League A and B.
Please uninstall any earlier version before...
by fooxl
Syncthing Controller. It can start/stop the syncthing service due to connection state of WIFI or power supply.
Planned Features:
* Stats...
by mazimmer
German + Color Emoji ( Requires: harbour-dolphin-keyboard >= 1.1-4 )
You must restart (the phone or keyboard), go...
by skyjumper
My compiled RPM using code from OKBoard - Openrepos pulled from users GIT.
Made using Sailfish SDK and MerSDK VM
by fishegg
Simple query app for ferry(water bus) service in Canton(Guangzhou).
More network modes patch for SailfishOS 2.0.5 ONLY
Allow to select between Any, 4G Only, 4G + 3G, 3G only, 3G + 2G, 2G Only modes.
Donations are...
by GiuliettaSW
by coderus
Patch available to install from Patchmanager 2.0. Updates for newer SailfishOS versions would be only available via web catalog. No new updates in...
by mazimmer
A markdown note-taking application with ownCloud and WebDav synchronization.
Available for Meego Harmattan (Nokia n9, Nokia n950) and Sailfish OS....
by Dax
A simple, native Vodafone™ Italy client for SailfishOS.
This is a preview release
Current features:
Balance information.
Displays sms, calls and...
The best way to get a conversation or party started in Cologne (Germany) is with a carneval soundboard.
This app comes with 7 popular carneval...
by elfio
Unofficial Pepephone (spanish carrier) client for SFOS released under GPLv3.
Use under your own risk.
Original icon merging concept of Pepephone...
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