by Schturman
If you already installed it and applied, your file /system/etc/gps.conf is broken and gps will not work for...
by Schturman
This is a combo patch that include:
1. Camera device at front (Coderus) - Move camera device to front and hide exposure settings to overlay.
by miska
Simple monitor showing current battery consumption. Visible in cover action as
well, so you can peek to see how battery hungry is your phone at it’s...
by hbp
ThumbTerm is a terminal emulator designed for Jolla's Jolla device.
by Enigma
A Desktop-Style Mobile Music Player
A Light-Weight,Fast And Convenient Music Player Optimized For Mobile Systems Offering Many Of The Features Found...
by razor1995
With this app you can restart your Wi-Fi connection if you have problem with connecting (ex. your acces point isn't visible).
Author: Alexxxlrus
by Schturman
This app will help you change android icons to your custom Jolla stylish icons on the homescreen.
It useful because android apps updates frequently,...
Harmoji is the Harmattan implementation of Emoji. Harmoji enables the viewing of Emoji characters throughout the system, as well as inputting them....
by xkr47
Charger Control
Charger control is designed for the original Jolla Phone and allows you to control how the battery is charged/discharged when a USB...
unaffcal Radio Javan application for meego os lisen persian top music any one any time
اپلیکیشن غیر رسمی رادیو جوان برای میگو
by cnlpete
A simple ambience based on a photograph of a Quokka taken on Rottnest Island near Perth, Australia. The ambience doesn't contain any sound files so...
A Silica frontend for the Transmission Torrent Client.
At present Clutch is quite simple, but it allows Transmisison to be used without touching the...
by virgi
youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites.
Inception gives you deep control of your Nokia N9.
The Nokia N9 is an amazing piece of hardware running an amazing mobile OS. However, advanced...
by fface
Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and...
by fface
nmon is a systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool. It can display the CPU, memory, network, disks (mini graphs or numbers), file systems, NFS,...
by virgi
Patch for PatchManager
Adds settings for changing Tracker's paths, so you...
by virgi
for 2.0.2 use 0.3-1
for use 0.2-1
for use 0.1-1
Adds ICE information to lockscreen. ICE details can be changed in Settings app
by alina
Replaces black background of launcher grid with a dimmer color based on the ambience (i.e. Theme.highlightDimmerColor).
Part of integrative...
by NielDK
Tor is a connection-based low-latency anonymous communication system.
Applications connect to the local Tor proxy using the SOCKS
protocol. The tor...
by Schturman
This patch will give you a Cyan led blinking when calendar event missed.
* Led start blinking only when calendar alarm is finished and calendar...
by Schturman
Patch have 3 sizes: Default, Medium, Large. Homescreen must be restarted only ONCE after applying patch. After this you can change clock size and...
by V10lator
This replaces /usr/sbin/ with a experimental version including these commits:Adding support for swap space on SD cardWait for the tracker...
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