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A tabata-style timer-app


  • active cover
  • adjustable settings
  • mutable sound
  • sound volume is using system settings
  • preventing display switched off
  • 10 Timer Profiles
  • Push Up Menu: Profile Shortcuts
  • Intervals adjustable up to 23h 59 min 59s

Info: If there is no Sound-Notification "Dong" at the end of an interval:

  1. check system volume(hardware keys)
  2. check if the sound is not muted in settings
  3. still no "Dong"? reboot device


thx to r0kk3rz 



Application versions: 
File harbour-tabatimer-1.6.1-1.i486.rpm334.49 KB23/07/2016 - 21:10
File harbour-tabatimer-1.6.1-1.armv7hl.rpm330.3 KB23/07/2016 - 21:10
File harbour-tabatimer-1.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm332.18 KB17/09/2015 - 00:18
File harbour-tabatimer-1.5.1-1.i486.rpm333.18 KB10/10/2015 - 10:39
File harbour-tabatimer-1.5-1.armv7hl.rpm319.89 KB03/08/2014 - 16:03
File harbour-tabatimer-1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm320.33 KB20/06/2014 - 18:05
File harbour-tabatimer-1.3-2.armv7hl.rpm294.04 KB23/03/2014 - 18:57
File harbour-tabatimer-1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm224.16 KB07/03/2014 - 13:43
File harbour-tabatimer-1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm219.51 KB06/03/2014 - 01:59
File harbour-tabatimer-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm220.88 KB28/02/2014 - 22:20
  • 1.6.1-1:
    • sound fix by r0kk3rz - notification sound doesn'T interrupt media playback anymore
  • 1.5.1-1:
    • SF2.0 adaptations - timepicker with seconds
  • 1.5-1:
    • minor bug fixes
    • fixed: mute option
  • 1.4-1:
    • UI improvements
    • changed config path for harbour QA
  • 1.3-2:
    • bug fix profile storage
  • 1.3-1:
    • added Profiles
    • longer Time Intervals (3 Ring Timepicker, max. 23h 59 min 59s)
    • play Notification Sound while Scrren is off
    • play Notification Sound over Headphone
  • 1.2-1:
    • added option to prevent sleepmode in harbour version
  • 1.1-1:
    • added startup time 5s before starting first interval
    • changed displayed number of remaining intervals


HanSolo_361's picture

Hi :)
I like your app a lot! Look,Feel&Usage :))

I'd appreciate following features:
- abillity to set multiple time intervals
and give'em own names [e.g. warmup(10sec), 50%(10sec), 75%(10sec), full power(20sec), Rest(1min)]
- different sound notifications
- skip, reset, replay, reset buttons on timer screen
or via pulley menue

I know it goes a bit beyond the tabata idea,
but with those features your app would cover
a lot of activities. Maybe a bit of kevtufc's idea.

ssahla's picture

This is great now that we can have longer intervals. Couple of small things:

- It seems that profile names can't have symbols in them (such as %&/()+), it would be nice to have them also (I tried to enter something like "6 × 2 min + 5 min" but couldn't use the plus sign and had to use x for the multiplication symbol).

- The text "touch anywhere to start/stop" is shown in different typeface than all other text.

nightmare's picture

the text "touch anywhere to..." is in a different color, because it describes a interactive ui element:

in the next version profile names can contain any symbol, but a minimum of 1 and max. 15 chars

ssahla's picture

I didn't mean the different color, it's displayed in different font (maybe Helvetica). The difference is subtle, but for example the letter "e" looks different (it's more "closed"). :)

nightmare's picture

didn't even know that i changed it :D

fixed in github and next release

kevtufc's picture

Please do :)

I'm looking at building a programmable interval timer along the lines of the one I use at the moment for Android 

Your app is really nice with a similar - but different - goal and, being new to Sailfish dev, I wanted to look into how you did some things and maybe the possibility of building my features onto a fork.

nightmare's picture

uploaded sources to github, see description

kevtufc's picture

Is the source code available for this?

nightmare's picture

not yet

i'm thinking about uploading it to github