by eatdirt
Ddclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts
on many different dynamic DNS services. Features include: Operating as a...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen.
Boston icon...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen.
Ivy icon...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen.
Papirus icon...
by CepiPerez
Music player for Jolla Sailfish with Lyrics support, online radio and 10-bands equializer
Update 0.2-0 is only for Sailfish
Equalizer has...
by CepiPerez
Just a simple application for
by Schturman
ONLY for v2.0.1.11
* Package updated because voice mail notification is broken in version
This is daemon that check if you have voicemails...
by vevgeniev
Unofficial build of Mozilla Firefox. Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. A familiar user interface, enhanced security features including...
by Alexxxlrus
Time-zone Patch (europe & asia supported)
- небольшой патч для приведения тайм-зон к нужному виду в сязи с перезодом 26/10/2014
- если вы уже...
by halftux
QRemoteControl for N9 Harmattan developed by Strahlex
by vevgeniev
ne is a free (GPL'd) text editor based on the POSIX standard that runs (we hope) on almost any UN*X machine. ne is easy to use for the beginner, but...
by vevgeniev
Dual Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary.
SailfisOS port of the popular KBE Dictionary.
by kimmoli
Experimental FM Radio receiver application for OnePlusX
OBSOLETE ! - please use the built in mediaplayer FM support.
by knokmki612
Can be able to use Japanese layout via bluetooth keyboard on Sailfish OS.
Jolla Phone/Tablet are supported.
This package does swap qmap file, and...
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.
Access your...
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.
NOTE: Requires...
by jdrescher
I use MythTV as my home DVR (digital video recorder) and noticed that there is no native Sailfish app.
So, here it is: MythFish
With MythFish you can...
by kenya888
Bluetooth PAN Tool
Currently Jolla phone/tablet cannot enable bluetooth tethering connection from GUI (despite connmanctl can handle bluetooth...
by Schturman
Inspired by fravaccaro's DynCal app, thanks for idea.
* Holidays for end of 2015 and 2016.
* DynCal app will be removed automatically, if you...
by NielDK
ReadyMedia (formerly known as MiniDLNA) is a simple media server software, with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV...
by HtheB
Whatsup is a third party WhatsApp client.
Otherwise, your number might be BANNED!
If you need to...
by HtheB
Whatsup is a third party WhatsApp client.
Otherwise, your number might be BANNED!
If you need...
by Schturman
HTTPShare USER - by pressing on the icon you will open /nemo directory for sharing. Just type the IP address of your phone on any PC and you can see/...
by Schturman
HTTPShare FOLDER - give you 3 options in one app:
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