by Schturman
HTTPShare ROOT - by pressing on the icon you will open / (root) directory for sharing. Just type the IP address of your phone on any PC and you can...
by xmlich02
The same application, but compiled for Jolla Tablet (i486 arch).
by xmlich02
The application is an native Foursquare(r) client for Sailfish OS.
It have following features:
- Browsing of nearby venues
- Checkin with a shout,...
by TopRanger
A simple hiragana / katakana keyboard for SailfishOS
After installation you have to manually activate the new keyboard under "Settings -> System...
by boggins
A simple seismograph with logging capability.
by theyosh
Simpel mobile phone plan and account status. It retrieves the current account status and settings for voicemail and call forwarding. It allows also...
by tuokar
A perfect app for planning your gym workouts. As a native 1RM and rep max calculator for Sailfish OS Maksimit is a must have app for all the weight...
by Schturman
This apps can switch automatically between your favorite ambiences in the specific time period.
Script changed and written by Johannes Bachmann (...
by mjm
This is a simple up and down counter with haptic and acoustic feedback.
Count whatever you want (for example yellow binbags ;-) )
Swedish translation...
by nodevel
Ad blocking solution using the /etc/hosts file. Weekly auto-updated from MVPS .
This is a proven way of blocking ads, banners, 3rd party cookies, 3rd...
by Schturman
Icon for quick stop aliendalvik.service.
* To start service again, just open any android app on your phone, it will start aliendalvik.service...
by lechindianer
This app is unmaintained. Please check out Petr's fork instead.
Old description:
You know the situation too well: You're in a bar/disco you don't...
by krzyc
Snowshoe - Qt5 webkit based mobile browser for N9.
This is beta software - I recommend making phone backup before installation.
by yaliang
Sometimes the phone will be silent when there is a call incoming and the phone in the pocket. This patch will fix it.
by jollailija
Super fast WebView app for service. Get realtime train departure schedule updates for Finnish railway stations, complete with cancellation...
by Marius
Sati in Pali means mindfulness or awareness. It is, together with concentration, a critical part of meditation practice. This application contains a...
by jollailija
Nettiradio for devices running Sailfish "1.0" (earlier version than 2.0). This build will not get any further support, but has the features from...
by elros34
This is simple answer screen inspired by easy answer. I created it to avoid accident rejecting calls and sloow rotation. The main feature is that it...
by cornerman
Only tested with SailfishOS and
Do not automatically show the launcher hint when visiting the homescreen and having no apps opened....
by EmgrtE
What is it?
It is a launcher button for package-manager-ui of Nokia N9. The package-manager-ui is a program where you can see, update and/or delete...
by nodevel
Results are now in.
If you cannot clink the 'here' link on the result page, please update the application.
First , I want to thank everyone...
by Dax
An unofficial Telegram Client for SailfishOS.
by cornerman
Only tested with SailfishOS and
Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward in the history. Adds indicators...
by abranson
This is an x86 Sailfish build of the native client for for use on the Jolla Tablet, built from Github. Note that there is currently no...
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