ICQ Accounts

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ONLY FOR TESTING! This app is not ready for everyday using!


Packaged code by CODeRUS on github (https://github.com/CODeRUS/haze-accounts-extensions)

Application versions: 
File haze-acounts-extensions-0.2.0-10.7.1.jolla_.noarch.rpm27.86 KB28/05/2017 - 02:59



explit's picture

The strange thing, it worked on Fairphone 2 with SailfishOS (accounts was visible under Presence) but it doesn't work on Jolla Phone and Jolla Tablet

explit's picture

I also don't know how to activate it. I installed the plugin. Put in my Password, Sailfish ICQ Account is active under Accounts. But i see no ICQ-Contacts and the account is not active under Presence Option in the Settings.


On my Pidgin on Linux anything is working fine.

ilovekiruna's picture

Despite I do not get anything under Presence Option in the Settings also for other plugins, e.g. Skype Accounts, the plugins as such work. I guess adding the Account to the Presence Option needs additional code. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to code it.

crakby's picture

wow, I can use ICQ again, thanks!

Now i will wait, until skype will work again...it is really annoying, to see protocols coming and going....no way to build on this system. At least, if you not an programmer.

Thanks for bringing back ICQ

Qleg's picture

does it work for You? how?

ilovekiruna's picture


what happens after account creation?

Qleg's picture

nothing. account is active but Settings -> Presence Unavailable and I don't see my friends. It's impossible to login to icq for N9 also.


ilovekiruna's picture

The code I found at the Github repository of CODeRUS seems just to be for Sailfish. I do not expect it to work elsewhere. I will try to get an own ICQ account and test. Thanks for the feedback.

Qleg's picture

this code from CODeRUS don't work. CODeRUS don't understand a cause. MailRU don't respond.

ilovekiruna's picture

:-o What a pity. Would have expected it to work, as the icq client seems open source under Apache License.

Qleg's picture

they both don't work for SfOS and for Harmattan, from end of 2016. maybe it's possible find details on https://github.com/mailru/icqdesktop ?


ilovekiruna's picture

That was my idea. There is an open bug in Pidgin regarding ICQ. I guess this is the problem. https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14907

Qleg's picture

I'm sorry but I'm not a programmer. I installed Pidgin for Ubuntu, he works(icq account) for me.


ilovekiruna's picture

In phone do you login by Uin or email? I at least c all my offline accounts

Qleg's picture

hmm, I don't understand. I don't see option "login", but in web version(SfOS browser) I login by UIN. It's impossible to login for N9(to change status from offline to online).

ilovekiruna's picture

Once you created the account, you dont need to put the password again. During account creation do you use UIN or email?

Qleg's picture


ilovekiruna's picture

Can you check if you find your ICQ contacts in the contacts app of Sailfish?


Qleg's picture

how? It's impossible while Settings-Presence Unavailable

ilovekiruna's picture

In the address book the contacts were still listed for me. But as I have no contact who is online, couldnt test more.

Qleg's picture

I see in web version online persons only, not in address book

Qleg's picture

Don't work for me. It's possible only to create icq account.