Powermenu2 in Ambience switcher

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Patch replacing ambience switcher top item with Powermenu2

This patch requires installed Patchmanager, obviously, because every patch requires Patchmanager :D

Swipe down to lock feature: when peeking ambience switcher you can release finger on "Lock" button area to lock screen.

Requires Powermenu2 v1.5.0

Donations are very welcome =)



Added patch settings to enable or disable swipe to lock feature
Added options to change threshold to lock


objectifnul's picture

Any update in approach for Sfos3?

can't find file to patch at input line 5
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff --git a/PowerKeyMenu.qml b/PowerKeyMenu.qml
|index 40929e3..5fa7a4f 100644
|--- a/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/powerkey/PowerKeyMenu.qml
|+++ b/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/powerkey/PowerKeyMenu.qml
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
3 out of 3 hunks ignored

objectifnul's picture

Apparently "PowerKeyMenu.qml" is now "PowerButtonMenu.qml" ( Torronsuo)
Too bad, as this patch was the only non-hardware means to trigger powermenu2 front page

DameCENO's picture

I finally updated to ijoki and this patch can't be enabled in patchmanager. The patch gets installed but can't be applied thus it can't be used. How do I go about that?

DameCENO's picture

The issue seems to be with the latest version of the patch which is missing the apply patch option. had to revert to the 1.4.0-1 of the patch

coderus's picture

You can click on that glowing dot at the left of patch name to apply / unapply patch. Do not need to open patch page for this action.

DameCENO's picture

Amazing!!! Thanks man it works flawlessly

subeditor's picture

All icons are doubled when Powermenu2-ambience-switcher is installed.


objectifnul's picture

Note for Taalojärvi users: install v1.0.7-1
Unapply Customizable Power Menu first.

DameCENO's picture

Which of the customizable menu is it?

What about Iijoki?

Une's picture

I can't install it in patchmanager on the Jolla C

coderus's picture

It's not compatible with 2.0.2.x and newer

Louis's picture

Do you plan to make it compatible? :)

Louis's picture

Pressing the flashlight entry on my Jolla Tablet does nothing. This seems to be a bug? :)

I'm on SailfishOS with lastest updates.

coderus's picture

does your jolla tablet have flashlight?

objectifnul's picture

On my device, this patch displays only one button on top (Lock) instead of three (Lock-Reboot-Shutdown)

Maybe an interaction with an other patch? (SFOS

coderus's picture

three buttons are displayed on powerkey longpress. when swiping down only lock/close buttons are displayed

objectifnul's picture

Only one button here ("Lock").
Any hack to have the same three buttons in both cases? (I mean swiping down and long press on button)

coderus's picture

if you disable close gesture in device settings, you can swipe down inside application and see ambience selector with two buttons. and no there are no hacks for displaying power control buttons when swiping down.

AA1AA's picture

It worked for the swipe, but I couldn't find a way to make appear the profil change button

coderus's picture
AA1AA's picture

Is there a way to make it work with Restore swipe to lock and Profil Change In Lock Menu ? It would be perfect !

coderus's picture

If you swipe down just few pixels and release finger it will lock phone. Profile change is available if you use patch for powermenu in ambience swither.

Louis's picture

Very cool app. Thanks again :)

Why do I need to scroll down to see my ambiences while there's enough emtpy space at the buttom to show the first ambiences? :) (I only have to favorites)

coderus's picture

because sliding mechanism is not designed for items bigger than fixed size

alina's picture

Can I ask what you used for app close? "appLayer.closed()" just minimizes the app.

alina's picture

Thanks! :)

Can I add this feature to my patch? This is requested the most.

coderus's picture

Do what you want :)

gedeon's picture

This is almost perfect! But one thing, could you code this thing, that the ambience switcher to work not just from the top edge of the home screen, but-also from anywhere within the screen? I think, and not just me, this would be an comfortable solution!

(thread: https://together.jolla.com/question/122691/should-be-the-favourite-actions-also-to-home-screen-pulley/ )

So?What do you think?

coderus's picture

In last version
