File Browser is a comprehensive file manager for local files on Sailfish OS.
by nephros
Privoxy is a non-caching privacy-enhancing web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
by 6uvNPR
AirSail Transfer allows you to easily transfer files between a computer and your SailfishOS device, using the computer’s web browser.
by coderus
Application for managing sailfish browser search engines
You can remove existing search engines
You can add new search engines by automatically...
by jfarnaud
Gopherette is an alpha Gopher-space and Gemini browser for your SailfishOS-powered phone. It is distributed under the GPL-3 licence.
It features the...
by nephros
Adds a "Download Video" option to URL open dialogs
A file manager for SailfishOS which allows cut, copy and paste of files and folders, seeing properties, changing permissions, opening up images in...
A simple webbrowser which allows viewing webpages and surfing sites.
It is based upon the webkit engine provided by Qt5.
Current features include:
by Bobsikus
Package originally made by Dax89, this package WILL overwrite your original package WebPirate.
by coderus
Application have no support for SFOS 4 and later.
For SFOS 3.3 compatibility you must install at least 9.2 version
For SFOS 3.4...
by Kabouik
nnn (or n³) is a full-featured terminal file manager. It's tiny and nearly 0-config with an incredible performance. See it in action on SFOS with dir...
by Kabouik
lynx is a text-mode WWW browser. This is an update to the version published in 2014 by NielDK, and should work with the system openssl provided with...
by ferlanero
Fix Web Browser icon problem on picker menu when other program uses picker menu.
Patchmanager 3.0 is advised to be installed first.
QtWebkit 5.212 Test builds for SailfishOS.
ABANDONED!!! This package will not be updated for newer SailfishOS Versions (e.g. 3.4)
QtWebkit is the...
by Pemek
Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward, version >= 3.0.2
by wiktorek140
File Browser for Sailfish OS
A minimal file browser tool to view files on Sailfish OS
This version is abbadoned. Please reffer to https://openrepos....
by Dharmendra63
In this version:
Option to choose the functionality of toolbar (switching tabs or navigation)
Fork of
by vevgeniev
Unofficial build of Mozilla Firefox. Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. A familiar user interface, enhanced security features including...
by krzyc
Snowshoe - Qt5 webkit based mobile browser for N9.
This is beta software - I recommend making phone backup before installation.
by cornerman
Only tested with SailfishOS and
Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward in the history. Adds indicators...
by GiuliettaSW
The famous N9 utility for in-place editing of bookmarks!
Opera / Firefox / In-built browsers supported.
by sviox
Hydra widget platform allows MeeGo users to run locally installable web applications created for mobile platforms. Currently it supports web...
by Enigma
Just A Simple File Browser
DFileBrowser Is A Simple File Manager For Meego Harmattan
by Enigma
Support For Default Browser Setting.
Provide Special Setting Allow To Change Default Browser Form Web To FireFox,Chrome,Opera Or Any Other Browser...
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