
Simulated watch rendering the time of the system in an nice smartwatch faceplate.

You need love2d runtime to run this apps.


Pseudo 3d racer written in Lua and LÖVE (fork)

Max Downforce is a racing game programmed in Lua and LÖVE. The pseudo 3d style and gameplay is similar to the classic Pole Position. The player completes the game by completing each of a number of laps within a time limit. This is made difficult by computer controlled racers that get in the way. The game uses a 356 * 200 resolution which is scaled to a larger window or full screen. (The resolution is similar to the 320 * 200 of the Commodore 64, but widened to fit wide-screen displays.)


gPodder downloads and manages free audio and video content ("podcasts") for you. Listen directly on your computer or on your mobile devices.

Requires SailfishOS >= 1.1 Powered by Python 3 and PyOtherSide.

This is the continueation of gpodder by Thomas Perl (@thp).

Sources available here:

Молитвослов (Prayer Book)

Православные молитвослов и календарь (1901-2099). Языки: русский, английский (только молитвослов), болгарский (только молитвослов).

Orthodox prayer book and calendar (1901-2099). Language Russian, English (only  Prayer Book), Bulgarian (only  Prayer Book)


FlowPlayer is a music player with lyrics support, online radio and 10-band equalizer.



a simple, fast-paced one-button platformer by SimonLarsen.

You need löve runtime to run this app.


A notepad editor in lua / Löve.

Very simple functionality, you can type notes and text, save them and it loads saved text automatically on start.

You need löve runtime to run this app.


IYFCT is a simple but fun one-button-game similar to Canabalt.

What's different on this fork:

  • Added touch support
  • Replaced assets

##. Instructions

The goal of the game is to survive as long as you can. Jump over trains with closed doors and try (as much as possible) to run through trains with open doors to avoid birds and tunnels. Some open trains will give you coffee. When your coffee-meter is full, you have one extra life.


simple flappy bird build with phones in mind (touch control and portrait mode)

Löve runtime must be installed first.


Arkanoid written in lua /löve2d.

This game was particularly written to demonstrate how powerful anima can be. For starters Anima is an "easy to learn and use" 2d Animation Library written in Lua for the beloved Love2D framework.

Make sure you install löve runtime first.


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