by melvin
Binary Fun is an awesome game for every nerdy programmer. The challenge of this game is to type a given decimal number in binary as fast as possible...
by john_god
Classic Pong game. Maybe later more classic games will be added.
by birdzhang
by gl00my
INSTEAD was designed to interpret the games that are the mix of visual novels, text quests and classical 90'ss quests. But currently INSTEAD used not...
by syrja
Sailfish port of SpeedCrunch calculator.
Based on the original port by @qwazix. Updated to the latest SpeenCrunch engine and fixed UI for Sailfish X...
by AlphaX2
Captain's Log is just a little nice diary application, written in pure Python and QML with the following features:
lockscreen to restrict the access...
by ajalkane
Generates L. Ron Hubbard name. Give the desired first, middle and last name, and this application will automatically generate L. Ron Hubbard name....
by Morc
Note: This application is mainly for Slovak users of Sailfish OS. I didn't even intend translating this into English (maybe sometimes, but not in the...
by amandalam
This software attempts to implement the Stroke Order Chinese Input Method as found in other Nokia Symbian phones sold in Mainland China, Hong Kong,...
by amandalam
A Hildon/Gtk+ GUI client written in Python for eSpeak, the open source command-line text-to-speech tool.
by amandalam
With Time Calculator (TimeCalc), you can add/subtract a number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds to/from a date/time value. You can...
by amandalam
IMQuery is an application that guides you how to type a particular Chinese character in some popular input methods.
This application makes use of...
by dysko
Tooter is Mastodon client. It is a free, open-source social network. A decentralized alternative to commercial platforms, it avoids the risks of a...
by flypig
Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory...
by kravich
A Sailfish port of the DeadBeef audio player.
NEW: Finnish translation
by Rikujolla
Automatical sensor based working time recorder.
by blizzz
Simple, online-only Schedule viewer for DiVOC
Sources at Codeberg
by yeoldegrove
GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can
be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes
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