by basil
Phonic is a GTK audiobook player targeted at mobile Linux. Status: Testing
GPL3 By David Hamner
by anenash
Irregular verbs are verbs which do not follow normal rules for conjugation. You can check your knowledge of irregular verbs by this application.
by Hudhand
[2013] RSS reader for Google Reader and then for Feedly.
UPD 24.01.20 Authorization also does not work, apparently feedly now support only TLS 1.2 or...
by karin_zhao
QFBACapex FBAlpha模拟器前端图形启动器
FBAlpha arcade emulator(FBA街机模拟器):
2019-12-28 0.5.0harmattan1...
Patch adding an apostrophe key next to the comma key in the space bar row.
Various small fixes, changes, and improvements that should make Sailimgur (harbour-sailimgur) less fiddly to use.
(Note: I only tested as non-logged-...
Various changes to harbour-podcatcher
by molan
Important: Unfortunately UI Themer was removed from WIthout UI Themer, this icon theme can't be installed. See here: https://forum....
by tanghus
Set Demo Mode for Sailfish OS
Very simple app to prevent the device from suspend and blanking the display.
The name comes from a comment to a post at...
by devnull is a german tech news portal for IT profis. This is a simple webkit app which directs you to their webpage.
It is not acknowledged by golem....
Приложение Income And Expenses позволит вам вести учет доходов и расходов. Вы можете создавать записи типа "доход" или "расход", добавлять к ним...
by AndyWuest
SailCon is a native SailfishOS client for the Dukecon conference Server -
Download conference data and view it on your mobile...
by devnull
TVSpielfilm is a german TV program service. This is a simple webkit app which directs you to their webpage.
It is not acknowledged by TVSpielfilm, so...
by devnull
OnVista is a german online broker and this is an very unofficial WebKit App to contact OnVistas mobile website.
It is not acknowledged by OnVista or...
by pamoedo
Linux command-line client for ProtonVPN
IMPORTANT: This is the new revamped protonvpn-cli-ng 2.x version, please remove first the old protonvpn-cli...
by aatakhanova
Данное приложение моделирует работу отдела кадров.
by anenash
Приложение для поиска железнодорожных билетов и расписания электричек.
Информация о маршрутах и наличии билетов предоставляется сервисом
by ferlanero
Neofetch is a command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+. Neofetch displays information about your operating system, software and...
by ferlanero
Go directly to the Sailfish weather application from eventsview weather banner with a long press on the weather banner.
by ferlanero
Makes "three fingers volume control" feature available for all screen sizes.
ATENTION: To install version, please uninstall any other...
by ferlanero
Piepfish is a complete reworked image style for the fantastic Piepmatz Twitter Client.
In Piepmatz, you can find "Image Style" under Settings. There...
by szopin
A simple native browser for SoylentNews, from version 1.4 uses the API.
Currently supported: browsing by topic, browsing comments, basic webview or...
by Aldrog
This is a preview beta version of TwitchTube 2.0, a new iteration of an opensource Twitch client for SailfishOS.
Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of...
by ade
Fork of
Thanks Penguin for all his work on this!
Emoji keyboard extension for SailfishOS with...
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