by wdehoog
Hutspot is a Spotify controller for Sailfish-OS. Playing is done on an ‘connect’ device. It requires a premium Spotify account.
Hutspot cannot play...
by Schturman
It will create icon to start CargoDock app as root. CargoDock app should be installed on your device...
- Changes in SPEC file. Obsoletes...
by Schturman
Similar to StartAsRoot for CargoDock, but created as patch. It add indicators "NEMO" and "ROOT" to the cover (see screenshot) and you also can open...
by Schturman
It will create icon to start Filetug app as root. Filetug app should be installed on your device...
- Changes in SPEC file. Obsoletes changed...
by Schturman
Similar to StartAsRoot for Filetug, but created as patch. It add indicators "NEMO" and "ROOT" to the cover (see screenshot) and you also can open...
by Schturman
It will create icon to start FileCase app as root. FileCase app should be installed on your device...
- Changes in SPEC file. Obsoletes...
by Schturman
Similar to StartAsRoot for FileCase, but created as patch. It add indicators "NEMO" and "ROOT" to the cover (see screenshot) and you also can open...
by Schturman
Similar to StartAsRoot for File-browser, but created as patch. It add indicators "NEMO" and "ROOT" to the cover (see screenshot) and you also can...
by Schturman
It will create icon to start file-browser app as root. File Browser app should be installed on your device...
- Changes in SPEC file....
The third released version of my geocaching application for SailfishOS, which includes support for other OpenCaching servers (at least all of...
by birdzhang
Based on python Pillow/PIL , a simple img tool
Source code can be found at
Pillow module can be found...
by karin_zhao
R: 20190126-1
1, 使用音乐ID来获取音乐文件地址, 现在不分所谓的音质了.
2, 所有标识为ID的数字当做无符号类型, 以避免之前出现负数ID的情况.
1, 评论列表中, 长按某一评论将文本复制到粘贴板.
2, 播放器页面,...
by whisk4s
Butaca is a movie database application for MeeGo Harmattan.
by tanghus
Easy to use kitchen timer with a modifiable list of standard timer settings.
Set the time using the time picker, or select a predefined time.
Tap the...
by teleshoes
Simple IMAP/SMTP email client with a QT gui and a CLI
by r0kk3rz
Gst-LibAV codec pack for Sailfish OS
by mortaccitua
La Dea di Bergamo!
The Goddess from Bergamo!
by arsh0r
This build has libevent linked statically.
Build instructions are here:
by Bummelwelt
pre alpha version... handle with care at this stadium...
will be updated
by pisarz1958
We know that self-control is an important tool when managing your diabetes. That's why we made an app that lets you do that straight from your phone...
by nvlong
Unoffical client Together.Jolla.Com for Sailfish OS
Nguyen Long <nvlong2203 at gmail dot com>
Bring Together.Jolla.Com to your...
by halftux
Gpscon is a command line tool to acquire the gps position with the qtlocation api.
Furthermore it has a logfile support with gpx export function....
by minodesign
Swipenokia is a new app for Meego Harmattan, where to find info and useful link about the full setup and the maintenance of the Nokia N9 itself.
by speactra
This is a hybrid icon pack with icons from fravacarros Evolve Plus Icon Pack and a pack by hpluslabels on XDA that are Nokia N9 Meego harmattan-like...
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