by szopin
NOTE: this is first time handcrafting rpm on device so might be buggy, please report all you find and I'll try to squash them
Chat Client
by WerkWolf
Welcome to Funzel!
The Control Center for your Gemini PDA LEDs!
Funzel shows a nice animation (children of the 80s/90s will recognize it ;) ) using...
by tanghus
NOTE: This is a prerelease. Multiple Exchange Rates Providers is not finished yet.
Bug reports and requests at Github
Convert currencies using data...
by Ingvix
Moves a bit enlarged icon inside the notification bubble and provides settings to customize notification preview's look and behavior.
You can...
by birdzhang
by ade
Based on (with sources on
As the i486 tablet...
by kuba77
Svátky is a czech app which providing all name days in Czech Republic.
© icon by Malakay (thanks!)
plány do budoucna:...
by kuba77
Počasí is a czech app which providing weather info for the Czech Republic (Czechia).
© icon by JustUI from here
by norayr
Hardware layouts (for wired or bluetooth keyboard) for Armenian (typewriter), Programmer's Dvorak, Georgian, Russian (phonetic), Chinese layouts....
by lachs0r
pianobar is a console client for the personalized web radio pandora
- play and manage (create, add more music, delete, rename, ...) your stations
by jdrescher
You need to enable the repository of rinigus to install this app!
If you want to use the audio coach you must download the voice files (see...
by lachs0r
Build of OpenSSH with Kerberos support
by lachs0r
Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system,
which can improve network security by eliminating the insecure
practice of clear...
by wdehoog
shoutcast-sailfish is a simple SHOUTcast browser and player for SailfishOS
* Browse by Genre
* List Top 500
* Search by 'Now Playing...
SailfishOS application to access the OpenSenseMap
OpenSenseFish uses sensemapi as backend.
If Matplotlib is available for your device, it should be...
by halftux
smssend is a cli tool which sends sms over dbus. The problem is to use ofono with dbus you need to be in the sailfish-radio group. In the version 0.0...
by BlackSailer
Depecher - Another Telegram client for Sailfish OS based on tdlib.
Send/View/Delete messages
Mute/unmute chats
View photos
View animations...
by thp
Updates will be available here:
by karin_zhao
Together (同在)
是一个简易的Web端微信客户端, 基于web接口
* 支持收发多媒体文件消息
20190921: 2014.0.7harmattan3-webwechat
* 修复文件下载后的后缀名, 以便可以正确打开.
+ 发送文件超过20M左右会失败(...
by Okxa
Simple image viewer. Not like a gallery, but instead can show multiple images at the same time.
Add multiple pages (like tabs!), which all can have...
by jobe
NEWS: Added latest KDBX 4 database support
Please report any problems you might have here. I use this version to test Keepass 2 write support with a...
This is my first attempt at creating a native baby monitor app for Sailfish. Its interface is similar to an Android app of the same name. Please use...
by fllp
A green ambience featuring a couple of bamboo trunks. The image was taken in some corner of northwest Italy in a somewhat out-of place bamboo thicket...
by fllp
Chilly blue light ambience with seagull and ferry
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