by Pemek
Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward, version >= 3.0.2
by karin_zhao
PPSH 波波莎
20190523 41.0.6harmattan1
Fixed aegis. 自带播放器可以正常播放了
仅支持搜索, 查看频道, 用户, 番剧
以前的视频使用内置播放器播放, 支持弹幕....
by dgrr
Translator app using Google, Yandex, and Deepl.
Yandex and Deepl are not currently available. Working on that...
The source code is available on ...
by halftux
Genwall for Sailfish, it is an ipv4 iptables firewall.
Application runs as root.
After installing new...
by halftux
DictionaryStar (Harmattan - from OviStore) is a dictionary reader that supports dictionary files in the StarDict format. This program doesn't include...
by thebootroo
An unofficial client for Telegram messaging, using TDLIB API. It aims to provide all the main features of the official apps on other platforms, while...
by karin_zhao
KarinConsole, base on MeeGo Terminal, a old version konsole.
20190512 0.2.5harmattan3
Build on Aquafish mobile(SF3).
User toolbar in $HOME/.karin-...
As of May 30, 2022, Google will no longer support third-party applications
Because of this, the software no longer works
Unaffical Hangouts...
by foolsbazar
Goodbye patchmanager!!
Finally the MessagEase keyboard is available for everyone!
This is a very special keyboard that perfectly combines the usual...
by foolsbazar
As our beloved Sailfish OS is trying to teach us, the touchscreen experience should be more about swiping than tapping and this keyboard finally...
by tardypad
Fully featured SomaFM client
The application is also available in Harbour.
I'm just putting it out here for people who prefer this repos and also to...
by karin_zhao
Version: 2.1.5harmattan7
2019 04 22 - 5
1, Bilibili视频清晰度设为360P
Version: 2.1.5harmattan6
2019 03 28 - 3
1, 内置播放器支持设置请求头,...
by toxip
Sail Hanzi
A simple Chinese character converter app for Sailfish OS utilizing the OpenCC Chinese character converter library
by sfos_ja
Japanese flick keyboard input method.
Flick keyboard is a 12 key layout that provides fast input method with simple flick gestures. It is the most...
by dysko
See what's happening in the world right now. From breaking news and entertainment, sports, and politics, to big events and everyday interests.
If it'...
by coderus_ac8
Upgrade to upstream version from:
This application repo will be removed soon.
by konekoodi
* Note! Versions 1.9.x are compatible with Uitukka, Vaarainjarvi and newer (>=1.10.38) Sailfish OS releases only! *
*Use version 1.8.0 if you are...
by pamoedo
GNU Wget
Introduction to GNU Wget
GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS the most widely-used...
by pamoedo
ProtonVPN client tool for Linux
How to use it:
To initialize the ProtonVPN Linux client, type this:
devel-su protonvpn-cli -init
OR (alias)
by wdehoog
Package of Librespot, an open source Spotify library that can turn your Sailfish device into a Connect device. (Well for as long as Spotify keeps...
by Thaodan
This patch re-focuses the previously opened application minimized
during the switch to the Events View.
Updated for
The "Quick Events...
by sigurg
Native SailfishOS app for the Mooshimeter BluetoothLE Multimeter.
Please note, that this app is in early development, there are still plenty of...
by kuba77
Simple random number generator.
by Pemek
Polish language resources for OKboard gesture based keyboard (dictionary & prediction data).
The resources has been created by corpus made of all...
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