by eugenio
How much do you use your Jolla's display? With this simple control center module you can discover it!
This package integrates nicely with SailfishOS'...
by eugenio
As the new SailfishOS UI's application switcher is now vertically scrollable, it's now finally possible to force the large covers while being able to...
by Kabouik
tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached...
by pamoedo
Telegram messenger CLI
Command-line interface for Telegram. Uses readline interface.
API, Protocol documentation
Documentation for Telegram API is...
by Kabouik
6cord is a Discord client running in your terminal with a TUI. It supports navigating through servers, channels, hiding the server bar, uploading...
by Kabouik
A small command-line application to view images from the terminal written in Rust. It uses lower half blocks (▄ or \u2584) to fit 2 pixels into a...
by Kabouik
If you do not need a virtual keyboard, then it is recommended to use Havoc due to Fingerterm, Toeterm and Literm all having redraw issues in some CLI...
by Kabouik
This package adds necessary files for compose and deadkeys in applications that support it, e.g., Havoc terminal emulator, maybe others in the future...
by Kabouik
literm is a terminal emulator implemented using QML to provide a fast, and fluid user interface. The terminal emulator side is in C++ (also using Qt...
by Kabouik
nnn (or n³) is a full-featured terminal file manager. It's tiny and nearly 0-config with an incredible performance. See it in action on SFOS with dir...
by Kabouik
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environement that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. With the supplied npm...
by unmaintained
NRad is an experimental client for Zello, the leading push-to-talk service providing instant voice communication to over 130 million users worldwide...
by Kabouik
If you do not need a virtual keyboard, then it is recommended to use Havoc due to Fingerterm, Toeterm and Literm all having redraw issues in some CLI...
by Kabouik
micro is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the capabilities of modern terminals...
by Kabouik
lynx is a text-mode WWW browser. This is an update to the version published in 2014 by NielDK, and should work with the system openssl provided with...
by ferlanero
Fix Web Browser icon problem on picker menu when other program uses picker menu.
Patchmanager 3.0 is advised to be installed first.
by lpr_A7
TwoLAME is an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder based on
tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10
code and portions...
by EmaNymton
Update python3-lxml only for SailfishOS >!
Watch results and rankings of european soccer leagues!
This application shows results and...
by szopin
FISH module for irssi (
Still handcrafted on-device and...
by krnlyng
Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful...
by arsh0r
encfs - Encrypted pass-thru filesystem for Linux
mount ~/encrypted_dir to ~/mountpoint:
encfs -o allow_other ~/encrypted_dir ~/mountpoint
"- o...
by anig
This is a patch and application that creates a kids mode. The patch modifies the launcher, eventsview, notifications and switcher code to allows the...
by ferlanero
Tweaks for the Jolla e-mail client in SailfishOS
Based on my previous works published on
Thanks to favracaro for patch idea
by osetr
Native sound recorder for Sailfish OS
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