by Bobsikus
Package originally made by Dax89, this package WILL overwrite your original package WebPirate.
by piggz
This is an alt-tab switching application useful with BT keyboards on the Jolla Tablet. (should also work on the...
by nephros
Agent manager for OpenSSH,, Sun SSH, and GnuPG. CLI only!
Extra keyboard button to toggle text prediction
by an_kuzmina
This is tin compiled on and for SFOS...
An easy-to-use USENET news reader for the console using NNTP. It supports threading, scoring, different...
by antranigv
WireGuard for Sailfish
Patch adding "overloaded" characters to the keys next to the spacebar.
Patch to increase spacebar size in Jolla keyboard for SailfishOS 3
Ever forgot about your parking disk in time-restricted free parking zones commonly found in Europe? Use this little app to get a reminder. Depending...
Hasher is a universal application to calculate hash digests from various input formats or files. It can also be used as a general-purpose bytes...
by sh6668
Sailfish GUI for mlocate
needs mlocate(by nephros) installed on sailfish device
self updatable user db or system db
open dir (needs harbour-...
by bauidch
Update: This App is using an deactived API, so the app isn't working yet.
An unofficial Coop Restaurant meal viewer for SailfishOS.
You are hungry,...
by gbour news reader (tech news in french).
This application is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license.
Application source code is available at...
by vasvlad
MeeCast - multiplatform highly customizable open source weather forecast client based on OMWeather code
by fooxl
Manage tasklists in todo.txt format on SailfishOS.
Todo.txt uses simple text files for managing tasklists:
Web Control is a Sailfish OS app to manage the device over a web interface in your browser.
Current state of development
This app is a Proof of...
by five_h
by coderus
For SAILFISH OS 3.4 and later install 0.2.9 version and above!
Simple colored line on top of everything to display battery charge percentage....
by coderus
For SAILFISH OS 3.4 and later install version 1.0.1 and above!
Simple tint overlay
Discussion forum:
by coderus
For SAILFISH OS 3.4 and later install version 0.3.2 and above!
ScreenTapShot - simple screenshot application which transforming to overlay button...
by laoidheach
Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh...
by monofox
This native radio player gives access to the AudioAddict networks, including:
- ClassicalRadio
- JazzRadio
- RadioTunes
- ZenRadio
by omnight
Phonehook is a multi-purpose Sailfish application to enhance phone functionality.
Caller Lookup
Information will appear in an overlay on top of the...
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