This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for DeadBeef, that is used as a dependency...
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for DeadBeef, that is used as a dependency... (2)
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for MPRIS2 DeadBeef plugin... |
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for DeadBeef Silica. ... (29)
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for libzip library used as a... |
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for wavpack library that is used as... |
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for libopusfile that is used as a... |
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for SRC library that is used as a... |
This is armv7hl, aarch64 and i486 packages for faad2 library that is used as a... |
This is just aarch64 package for mpg123 library that is used as a dependency... |
This is just aarch64 package for SpeedCrunch. This copy will be removed when... |
This is just aarch64 package for Sidudict, an offline dictionary program. I used souce code from here:... (2)
This is just aarch64 package for FBReader. I used souce code from here:... (1)
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