Spinny the runner: mechanical menace (temporary tittle, it may change...
Spinny the runner: mechanical menace (temporary tittle, it may change... (4)
An unofficial SailfishOS Discord client (6)
This simple tool will show all available GPS information on a configurable screen and cover, like the position, altitude and speed. The... (22)
Firefighting game made with LÖVE, developed by Tangram Games. |
Ludum Dare 29 jam game by tangramgames |
A 1k-10k mania-styled rhythm game made in LOVE2D forked from https://github.com/AGORI-Studios/Rit... |
Project V is a set of network tools that help you to build your own computer network. It secures your network connections and thus protects your... (2)
This app is an alternative youtube client. You can watch videos and subscribe to channels. Subscriptions are offline. (455)
PawelSpoon (https://github.com/PawelSpoon/OkBoard) made some tiny changes to allow OKBoard on... (15)
MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. Added as... |
Star Phase (Fork from https://github.com/Jigoku/starphase)A top down /... (15)
Warning regarding SailfishOS upgrades:to prevent any misbehavior of the cron daemon, please stop the daemon before starting any OS... (64)
This app packages the matrixclient hydrogen-web in a WebView. Features E2E encrypted messages, offline storage. Please report bugs... |
You can translate to your language on Transifex: https://explore.... (36)
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