Publisher applications: eugenio


How much do you use your Jolla's display? With this simple control center module you can discover it!

This package integrates nicely with...


As the new SailfishOS UI's application switcher is now vertically scrollable, it's now finally possible to force the large covers while being able...


This patch allows to select the Silica color scheme (Dark / Light) on Ambiences.

Works on SailfishOS 3.0.0+.



Starting with Sailfish OS 2.0, Jolla removed the swipe to lock functionality. This patch restores it, without dropping the new "PowerKey/Top menu...


Note: The latest version of the patch has only been tested on 2.0.0 Saimaa, but it should also work in 1.1.9 Eineheminlampi....


This patch re-focuses the previously opened application minimized
during the switch to the Events View.


The "Quick Events...


Note: This only works on SailfishOS 2.0.0.x Saimaa and later

This really simple (two lines!) patch modifes the Phone...




NOTE: zramcfg is not required anymore since SailfishOS 1.1.1.x (Vaarainjärvi/Update 10).

zram is...


Note: this package contains only the zram kernel module. The zram devices will **NOT** be configured automatically. Install this package...