by szopin
Warsaw Bus timetable viewer
0.5 - fix for timetable view, fix Requires for working with osm scout server
0.4 - See live positions of buses/trams on...
Public Transit app for UK and Germany.
Routing and departure boards for National Rail and Transport for London (TfL) services:
- Trains
- Buses
by AndyWuest
SailfishOS Application to display VVS Incidents for the Stuttgart area.
Displays the current VVS Incients in list
Drill down to a specific incident...
by s710
Since the app uses undocumented provider APIs, there might be errors while using the app. As a result, a second device running Android/iOS...
by mattaustin
Live departure information for Perth metropolitan train services. View the service information by station, including: direction, stopping pattern,...
by pasko
BuStopMadrid is an unofficial app to get arrival times from EMT bus service of Madrid. Arrival times are just an estimation and depends on EMT...
by mp107
Get around A Coruña using public transportation
• Check information about bus lines
• Look for bus stops around you, by name or using a map
• Check...
by verydeep
DeLijn Departure Schedule
by kelvan
Realtime departures for Wiener Linien.
Show nearby stations or search for them by hand.
Departure list in cover
Reload/Search as...
by konekoodi
Where is the nearest bus stop? When is the next bus coming?
Nysset provides access to Public Transport timetables and real time bus information, for...
Commute with confidence.
Put detailed local public transport information at your fingertips for 460 cities in 46 countries. With just a few taps you...
by mattaustin
Live departure information for Perth metropolitan train services. View the service information by station, including: direction, stopping pattern,...
by nodevel
Program for searching public transport connections for the Czech Republic using the IDOS server. CLI only.
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