Nokia Public Transport

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Commute with confidence.

Put detailed local public transport information at your fingertips for 460 cities in 46 countries. With just a few taps you can instantly see the routes and connections you need, how long each leg of your trip will take, and even when the next train, bus, or tram will arrive.

No more carrying around timetables and city maps. You have it all on your device, wherever you are.

◾Easily find public transport stations/stops, addresses, and points of interest.
◾Choose from multiple routes and follow the list of directions for buses, trams, underground, or trains.
◾View earlier and later departure times to make smarter travel choices.
◾Save favourite routes from different locations on the startup page for quick access

This app supports timetable-based information in the following cities & regions:

Atlanta, Auckland, Austin, Baltimore, Barcelona, Berkshire, Berlin & Brandenburg, Boston, Budapest, Chicago, Dallas, Denmark, Denver, Edmonton, Flanders, Halifax, Helsinki, Honolulu, Houston, Las Vegas, London, Miami-Dade county, Minneapolis & Saint Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles, Toronto, Turin, Wellington and Winnipeg.

We also offer worldwide Simple routing information. Simple routing uses the map data to calculate a heuristic route, based on the likely frequency of lines. Please have a look on the WP trial where you can find the list  of cities where coverage is available.

Known Issues
◾Line colours of some cities (in timetable coverage) may not be available.
◾Some minor visual gliches

Known Limitations
◾Real time delays are currently only supported for some means of transports of the Berlin/Brandenburg area.

*This is the same version as Coderus's upload, however this has a re-made title icon and full app discription with a lot screenshots.



Application versions: 
File nokiapt_2.0.3_armel.deb1.38 MB09/06/2014 - 05:34

nokiapt (2.0.3) stable; urgency=low
* Updated to the latest coverage (Dataset: 23 Apr 2012)
* Fixed removement of outdated departures in StationsNearBy
* Logging now is optional - creating /home/developer/MyDocs/.logs enables logging.