Musikilo is an opensource Nextcloud music streaming app.
Don't forget to add /remote.php/dav/files/nickname/ to root path!
You can donate me here ...
by scharel
A client app for the Nextcloud Notes server app.
Currently the app is in active developmnent and should be considered as beta sofware.
If you find...
by Karry
Temporary copy of original GhostCloud (additionals) from Beidl with aarch64 build:
by Karry
Temporary copy of original GhostCloud from Beidl with aarch64 build:
This build comes from branch with...
by Buschtrommel
Client for the ownCloud/Nextcloud News App. Successor of ocNews.
by blizzz
Nextcloud Talk for Sailfish OS is in a very early stage. At the moment it supports multi-account chat.
The code is available at
by 6uvNPR
SailSync ownCloud is an application for synchronising files between your SailfishOS mobile device, and your ownCloud (or NextCloud) server instance....
by jayki
This can be used together with Nextcloud Phonetrack App to track your Phone / record a route LIVE! It is even useful for every Server that supports...
by gmc
Note: I am currently considering to what extent I will be involved with Sailfish OS given Jolla's current ownership. In the mean time, app...
Calcurse is a text-based personal organizer which helps keep track of events
and everyday tasks. It has a calendar and a "todo" list, and puts your...
by mijutu
Application for easily uploading files to ownCloud and sharing them.
Ocshare can be used to upload to ownCloud and create shares by itself, but it...
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