SailSync ownCloud is an application for synchronising files between your SailfishOS mobile device, and your ownCloud (or NextCloud) server instance.
As of mid-June 2021 I'm providing aarch64 builds of the application. Thanks to the users who tested. If you encounter issues, please contact me.
SailSync ownCloud 0.8.4+ implements a more robust method to validate authentication. Prior to this version (0.8.0 - 0.8.3) a few users reported login issues. If you still exeperience issues with 0.8.4 (and later releases), please get in contact with me via my email. My email address can be found on the right-hand side of the SailSync ownCloud project website. Thank you.
It appears that the official ownCloud commandline client may have issues syncing if you authenticate with an email address. If possible, try authenticating with a regular username instead of an email address.
Tested with NextCloud server v13-v19
SailSync ownCloud is Free and Open-source Software licensed under the terms of the zlib License.
The SailSync ownCloud source code can be found on the SailSync ownCloud git repository.
Please submit bug reports and feedback via email. My email address can be found on the left-hand side of the SailSync ownCloud project website.
Configure Sailjail sandboxing to allow filesystem and network access (thanks Pekka Marjamäki). Thanks to CW for testing.
Users have reported having issues accessing syncing via the UI since upgrading to SailfishOS 4.4.0.
An update is coming that resolves the issue, in the mean time you can choose to disable sandboxing:
(you'll need to do this as root).
adding this to the bottom of the file:
Save, exit, then restart the application.
Initial limited-availability release
New features, enhancements:
Recent comments