SailSync ownCloud

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SailSync ownCloud is an application for synchronising files between your SailfishOS mobile device, and your ownCloud (or NextCloud) server instance.


aarch64 beta release

As of mid-June 2021 I'm providing aarch64 builds of the application. Thanks to the users who tested. If you encounter issues, please contact me.

Login issues

SailSync ownCloud 0.8.4+ implements a more robust method to validate authentication. Prior to this version (0.8.0 - 0.8.3) a few users reported login issues. If you still exeperience issues with 0.8.4 (and later releases), please get in contact with me via my email. My email address can be found on the right-hand side of the SailSync ownCloud project website. Thank you.

Sync Issues with email address usernames

It appears that the official ownCloud commandline client may have issues syncing if you authenticate with an email address. If possible, try authenticating with a regular username instead of an email address.


  • Uses official ownCloud application (owncloudcmd) to synchronise files
  • Directory-level granularity over which local directories and remote ownCloud directories you wish to synchronise
  • Manually trigger a synchronisation between a local and remote directory
  • Manually trigger synchronisation of all configured sets of local and remote directories

Tested with NextCloud server v13-v19


SailSync ownCloud is Free and Open-source Software licensed under the terms of the zlib License.

The SailSync ownCloud source code can be found on the SailSync ownCloud git repository.

Bug reports and feedback

Please submit bug reports and feedback via email. My email address can be found on the left-hand side of the SailSync ownCloud project website.


Version 0.9.2 - (2022/04/23)

Configure Sailjail sandboxing to allow filesystem and network access (thanks Pekka Marjamäki). Thanks to CW for testing.

Sync bug in SailfishOS 4.4.0 (2022/04/22)

Users have reported having issues accessing syncing via the UI since upgrading to SailfishOS 4.4.0.

An update is coming that resolves the issue, in the mean time you can choose to disable sandboxing:

(you'll need to do this as root).

adding this to the bottom of the file:


Save, exit, then restart the application.

Version 0.9.1 - aarch64 beta release (2021/06/12)

  • aarch64 beta release

Version 0.9.1 (2020/11/04)

  • Adapt package for new "defaultuser" (used in new installs of SailfishOS >= 3.4.0). The package remains backwards compatible with the "nemo" user.

Version 0.9.0 (2019/12/19)

  • Automatic daily background sync functionality. Run Daily at 12AM. Requires a Wifi connection and an account password to be set/remembered.

Version 0.8.4 (2019/05/20)

  • New robust method to check authentication
  • New robust method to check for existence of remote path
  • Optimised operations that require remote OC server by not checking auth every time
  • Optimised UI method in sync page for checking existence of remote paths
  • Added unit tests for testing authentication
  • Added unit tests for testing existence of remote path
  • Removed Python package "easywebdav" (including patch) because we no longer rely on it for auth/remote dir check
  • Log on boot the apps version number to logs
  • Log user-provided URL path before URL parsing occurs

x86 version released to OpenRepos (2019/01/20)

Version 0.8.3 (2019/01/12)

  • Fix issue where special characters might exist in e.g. password, which breaks synchronisation client

Version 0.8.2 (2018/12/20)

  • Fix Login Issue where ownCloud/NextCloud URL ends in a slash

Version 0.8.1 (2018/12/19)

  • Fix Login Issue where ownCloud/NextCloud lives on a subdirectory of the domain (thanks to all the users who helped in tracking down this issue)
  • Fix regression where temp password was not properly stored
  • Fix bug where temp password was not cleared in UI on log out
  • Fix UI bug on Login page where Push up menu could scroll beyond reasonable bounds
  • Update owncloud client to 2.5.0 (from 2.5.0beta2)

Version 0.8.0 (2018/09/21)

Initial limited-availability release

New features, enhancements:

  • Uses official ownCloud application (owncloudcmd) to synchronise files
  • Directory-level granularity over which local directories and remote ownCloud directories you wish to synchronise
  • Manually trigger a synchronisation between a local and remote directory
  • Manually trigger synchronisation of all configured sets of local and remote directories