SailfishOS Theme for Harmattan

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Do you want to sail? Well, come in my boat...


This BETA-version is provided to you “as is.” Any use of this theme is at your own risk. If you don’t like this theme – just remove it. Not for commercial use. Any attempt of commercial use will be regarded as an extreme degree of sodomy.

Forbidden to spread to other sites and forums for several reasons. But you can give direct link to this thread.




1) I don’t use N9QuickTweak. Any conflicts caused by this app will not be considered.

2) This is BETA-version for public test. Theme contains some bugs, but work in progress - I’m going to fix all mistakes to reach maximal similarity of Sailfish UI.

3) You should place your bugreports (or your wishes) here with English or Russian description. Also you should post screenshots with marked mistakes. Thanks in advance.

4) Some QML-applications look very strange – it seems no way to fix them, but I will try. 

5) Some graphic-elements were taken directly from Sailfish SDK, but theme doesn’t contain Sailfish-iconpack. Certainly, you can install it separately.

6) You should enable my Openrepos-repository to get updates and dependencies. It is easy to do via WareHouse.



My beloved - for her patience;
Markku Korhonen (@_MK99) - consultations;
Andrey Kozhevnikov (@iCODeRUS) - consultations, settings-applet example;
Ivan Smolentsev (@iSmolentsev) - keyboard graphics;
Denis Kalinin (@Fell_x27) - advices;
Ruslan Burkhanov (rbur) - some applications icons;
Evgeny Kudinov (@plazmatics) - calendar-icons, Photoshop advices.


1) Eat some cookies

2) Install deb-file via WareHouse

3) Switch theme with Themechanger

4) Reboot your phone

5) Change folder-transparency, operator name and background image (portrait_noblur.png) with HomeScreenSettings application

6) Enjoy

Probably, you will get some installation troubles, if so - just remove old version and make clean installation.


Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

1) Question: I can't install this theme, I have "Installation interrupted/try again" message...

Answer: try this or this

2) Question: I don't like Jolla icons...

Answer: look at the Ambiance Settings

3) Question: I don't like this theme and I want to remove it...

Answer: switch theme to blanco (or other one) and go to terminal:

apt-get purge sailfish

This will remove theme and restore all changed files. Also you can remove this theme as usual application - result will be the same.

4) Question: I want to change background...

Answer: look at the Ambiance Settings

Support theme


Demo-video by @iSmolentsev


Application versions: 
File sailfish_1.0.5_armel.deb12.37 MB27/02/2015 - 21:50
File sailfish_1.0.4_armel.deb12.23 MB11/02/2015 - 21:51
File sailfish_1.0.6_armel.deb12.48 MB11/07/2015 - 20:24
File sailfish_1.0.6b_armel.deb12.48 MB13/12/2015 - 23:05

1.0.6: This is the last release of this project. Goodbye, my dear sailors. NOTE: you install this build at your own risk, this build is without normal testing stage (as-is after building)

1.0.6b - fixed keyboard appearance


Mr_FuNTiK's picture

Вот еще вспомнил, но это, наверное, только у меня: иконка календаря иногда становится стандартной

Ancelad's picture

25-го числа?

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

Да, и если не ошибаюсь, 6

Ancelad's picture

6 не должно, 25 согласен

mika123's picture

Really impressive, can't wait to be able to use it with my own background.

A toggle for jolla/normal icons would be great

Any known tool to rework my other round icons and make them look like the Jolla ones?

raghdaraghda88's picture

thanks :)

kot_bayun's picture

Выскакивает ошибка:

Ancelad's picture
kot_bayun's picture

Решил проблему банальным включением режима разработчика. >.<

kot_bayun's picture

Спасибо большое! Попробую — отпишусь.

Alanbros's picture

Hi Ancelad, what happen with versión 0.0.8? You are working in this version. Really is a good work
congratulations, sorry for my english

nguyenducdung2410's picture

I want to help unlock screen , hear the call as iphone

Anthony65's picture

thanks for latest update! especially like the call ui from this theme :)

can't await final version ;)

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

В музыкальном проигрывателе, при нажатии на на изображение альбома прослушиваемого трека, часть, где находится информация о композиции, уходит вниз над управляющими элементами

В приложении Настройки главного экрана регулировка яркости упала вниз

Ancelad's picture

1) Это стандартное поведение плеера, то же самое в других темах

2) Не понял

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

Дай почту, я скину видео в котором все описал

Ancelad's picture

ссылку на видео можно оставить здесь

Ancelad's picture

У меня нет ни одной из этих проблем. Судя по скриншоту, версия HSS - старая.

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

Так, а теперь объясни, что такое HSS и как это исправить

Ancelad's picture

Home Screen Settings. У меня это выглядит вот так

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

У тебя версия другая - нет пунктов “не показывать погоду” и “только белый шрифт”. Да, собственно, и ладно. Я ей редко пользуюсь. А вот как исправить баг в плеере?

Ancelad's picture

Эти пункты у меня есть, только находятся они на уровень выше, версия программы 2.0.2. Бага в плеере нет и быть не должно. Возможно поможет переустановка темы.

Mr_FuNTiK's picture

Не помогло( А в предыдущих версиях такого не  было


Ancelad's picture

Никто другой не жаловался, у меня тоже нет этого бага

ruplee76's picture

I didn't get you, after downloading the deb file, & while installing the same i get "installation interrupted/try again" message all the time. please advice

Ancelad's picture

Download it to PC, put it into MyDocs and run dpkg -i in terminal

ruplee76's picture

Hi, thanks for the wonderful theme. But somehow i can't install the new version (0.0.7). Uninstalled all previous versions but still same problem. :(

Ancelad's picture

Show me your log

osmingab85's picture

hermano Te has pulido con esta actualizacion es el mejor tema que se ah creado para nuestro nokia n9 si te pudiera dar estrellas te daria 10 de 10. Saludos excelente trabajo
