by ade
Unofficial app for the Dutch news service NOS
With NedNieuws you can read articles from NOS and view different categories. This way you will always...
Hafenschau is an unoffical content viewer for for SailfishOS.
I am not the publisher or creator of the content displayed in this...
by nemishkor
Ukrainska Pravda is a Ukrainian online newspaper founded by Georgiy Gongadze on 16 April 2000 (the day of the Ukrainian constitutional referendum)....
by Buschtrommel
Client for the ownCloud/Nextcloud News App. Successor of ocNews.
by kuba77
Third party app for The Guardian. The app uses official API "the Guardian Open Platform" for content (editors picks articles). API access is limited...
by rob_k
Show a slide show of 10 news photos from The Guardian, "Photo highlights of the day", and also from Der Spiegel, "Bilder des Tages" and Dutch news...
by birdzhang
A simple Cnbeta client
Thanks cnbeta1's API and cnBeta reader at Oschina
感谢 Oschina ...
This is tin compiled on and for SFOS...
An easy-to-use USENET news reader for the console using NNTP. It supports threading, scoring, different...
by gbour news reader (tech news in french).
This application is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license.
Application source code is available at...
by Hudhand
Old but working RSS reader for NewsBlur.
by Hudhand
[2012] Working news app for Russia. Актуально на июль 2020.
by devnull is a german tech news portal for IT profis. This is a simple webkit app which directs you to their webpage.
It is not acknowledged by golem....
by szopin
A simple native browser for SoylentNews, from version 1.4 uses the API.
Currently supported: browsing by topic, browsing comments, basic webview or...
by anenash
The is used as news provider.
News API can provide headlines from 70 worldwide source.
by piggz
A mobile client for the ownCloud news application.
The ownCloud news application is a self-hosted alternative to RSS services like Google Reader of...
by ratijas
Search iTunes Store, add RSS from the Intenet, subscribe to your favorite stations to get free updates. With Sailcast Podcast you'll never miss your...
by walokra
Haikala is an unofficial news portal feeds reader app for Sailfish OS with simple and easy-to-use UI. It provides functionality like...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from around Canada daily. Download this app to keep track of financial, business and organizational announcements from a...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from sources throughout India. Download this app to keep track of the latest developments in business, entertainment,...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from sources throughout Africa. Download this app to keep track of the latest developments in business, entertainment,...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from around Asia daily. Download this app to keep track of financial, business and organizational announcements from a...
by mp107
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some time before closure.
It might...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from technology sources around the world. Download this app to keep track of new product announcements, news about software,...
by mp107
Receive the latest news from financial services sources around the world. Download this app to keep track of earnings announcements and statements,...
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