
Your rating: None Average: 4.4 (7 votes) news reader (tech news in french).

This application is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license.

Application source code is available at


NOTE: package has been renamed to harbour-nextinpact to be compliant with Jolla store policy. So the software will not be automatically updated. You have to uninstall the previous version (0.6.3 or older) before installing the new one.


Please report bugs or feature requests by opening an issue on github.

You can also install & test preview versions available at


Application versions: 
File harbour-nextinpact-0.6-5.pre3_.armv7hl.rpm215.51 KB19/08/2019 - 23:34
File harbour-nextinpact-0.6.6-1.pre1_.armv7hl.rpm230.02 KB24/09/2019 - 23:32
File harbour-nextinpact-0.6.8-1.armv7hl.rpm246.32 KB23/07/2020 - 14:21
File harbour-nextinpact-0.6.9-1.armv7hl.rpm236.71 KB02/08/2020 - 23:11
File harbour-nextinpact-0.7.0-1.armv7hl.rpm244.49 KB14/08/2020 - 20:13
File harbour-nextinpact-0.7.1-1.i486.rpm258.07 KB18/11/2020 - 17:34
File harbour-nextinpact-0.7.1-1.armv7hl.rpm246.79 KB18/11/2020 - 18:07


  • feat: improve comments markdown parsing
  • feat: display comments smileys


eatdirt's picture

Yes, I did uninstall/reinstall, the about show version 7, still no joy, empty windows!

gbour's picture

@eatdirt, could you run it from a console, and send me the logs ?

to do it, run command /usr/bin/harbour-nextinpact > /tmp/nxi.log 2>&1, then send me /tmp/nxi.log file


then to unlock you, I suggest you delete the app database (while application is stopped), this will restart like fresh install

type following command: rm $HOME/.local/share/harbour-nextinpact/harbour-nextinpact/nextinpact.db

Hope it will solve your issue

gbour's picture

Hi All,

Since yesterday, NextINpact website switched to its new v7 version. This sailfish app is not yet compatible with it, but I am working hardly to release quickly a working preview.


Depuis hier lundi, le site NextINpact a basculé sur sa nouvelle version 7. L'application sailfish n'est pas encore compatible, mais je travaille dur pour sortir rapidement une version fonctionnelle.


Stay tuned !


gbour's picture

0.7.0 version is available, compatible with NextINpact v7.

Please report any bugs

eatdirt's picture

No joy for me on jolla 1 since a while, nextimpact windows remains empty while the iconified tells me that articles are available for reading :-/

gbour's picture

Which version of the application are you running ?

I had to rename the package to be allowed to publish on official jolla store, but this breaks app updating on openrepos.

If you are in that case, you should uninstall then reinstall NextInpact app



jollex's picture

Oh new release?!! Je suis en 0.6-3 sans update via storeman. Il n'est pas publié ici sur openrepos.
Je vois la 0.6.7 sur le store jolla que je viens de tester et qui fonctionne super bien! Merci beaucoup

gbour's picture

oui, j'ai du renommer le package pour pouvoir publier sur le store Jolla. Mais du coup storeman ne propose pas la mise à jour automatique !

Je pense que tu n'est pas le seul à avoir loupé la mise à jour.

jollex's picture

Hello, après plusieurs mois d'usage, un petit detail me derange: Quand on est dans un article et qu'on retourne sur la liste, il nous remet tout en haut de celle ci au lieu de l endroit on l'on s'est arrêté. Sinon ca reste top

gbour's picture

Bonjour Jollex

Je suis surpris, car sa fonctionne chez moi, sauf si les articles ont été rechargés entre temps.

Quelle version de l'application utilise-tu (la dernière est la 0.6.7) ?


gbour's picture

New 0.6.6-1.pre1 version is available. See changelog for new features.

Pat's picture

Would be nice if full articles would be available for premium users ;)

gbour's picture

Hello Pat,

This is planned for some future release :)

gbour's picture
jollex's picture

Super, plus de problème d'affichage maintenant. Beau travail!

jollex's picture

Marche super bien la pre release \(-_0)/
Merci, beau boulot

gbour's picture

Une seconde pré-release est disponible, qui améliore l'affichage des commentaires

Pat's picture

Je confirme que la dernière mise à jour a corrigé un problème (taille trop petite de la font) et ajouté un autre (lignes pas bien ...alignées)
Merci pour l'appli

gbour's picture

Bonsoir @Pat, voire la réponse que j'ai fait à @jollex

jollex's picture

Hello! Merci pour la maj, on a plus besoin d un microscope pour lire. Par contre le texte est tt compact et les lignes se chevauchent sur certains articles =/
Pas évident pour lire ceux qui pose problème
(xperiaX v

gbour's picture

Bonjour @jollex, malheureusement les possibilités de configuration de la Webview sont assez limitées.

Je t'invite à tester la prochaine version qui n'utilisera plus la Webview.

Tu peux la télécharger ici:

objectifnul's picture

v6.0-0 no longer working (xperia x mouhinjoki). v0.5-3 still working fine with my good old Jolla phone.

gbour's picture

Hello objectifnul. Thanks for your feedback.

Could you give me more details ? what is not working exactly ? (app is not starting, articles are not loading, spinner is staying forever, ...)

Is v6.0-0 working on your Jolla1 ?

objectifnul's picture

No news displayed at all: the screen remains empty. I didn't update on my Jolla yet, because of this issue. Maybe I should uninstall/reinstall to make sure the previous configuration (without database) is completely erased?

gbour's picture


FYI, the application was built with latest SDK (1.23) based on latest Jolla firmware (

It works on my Jolla1 (using same firmware)


On your Xperia X, could you start NextInpact from a terminal (you can follow the procedure described here: and share output logs with me (ie using ?

objectifnul's picture


Edit: I'm afraid Framadrop is broken. Try this instead:

Edit2: and yes, v0.6-0 is working on my Jolla phone, not on my Xperia (both running Mouhijoki).

gbour's picture

Thanks for the logfile & your feedback

Could we switch to github, it is more adapted to discuss this bug I think

I created an issue:

malibu's picture

Merci beaucoup !
Simple et efficace ! Tip top

saya's picture

Super, merci!