
This is a continuation of the really excellent tutorial from Edward Angeles and a big thanks for the 3.2 engine and templates from sashikknox!...
This is a 'mobile-first hack' of the Molecules game from https://github.com/miskatonicstudio/molecules - A simple clone of Osmos, made with Godot...
Circle Jump is a small (but kind of addictive) game. It is made by KidsCanCode as a tutorial for godot game creation. I simply did some small changes...
This latest build of Godot Engine 3.2 for Sailfish OS + add support for Gamepads on SailfishOS! Now its not fully support gamepads (but seems its...
A cute and relaxing mobile game where you hit color-coded balls. Project link: https://github.com/aBARICHELLO/RetroKitty Thaks to @barichello for...
You are an wizard, who can only cast spells. You have a dungeon and you want to explore it all, down to the Bottom - 100th level of dungeon. Draw...
Godot 3.1.1 engine build for SailfishOS , and this standart demo project (little modified). What FPS you have on your device? answer in coments ;-)...
This is just buid of free Godot Engine example of Flappy Bird like game. Its built under Godot Engine 2.1.5 from export template for SailfishOS ... ...