"Thakir Prayer Times" provides:
by ade
Just some quick and dirty scaling added now Jolla brings proper compass support to Xperia X with the release of 2.2.1 Nurmonjoki.
Original version by...
by ade
Just some quick and dirty scaling added now Jolla brings proper compass support to Xperia X with the release of 2.2.1 Nurmonjoki.
Original version by...
by ade
Just some quick and dirty scaling added now Jolla brings proper compass support to Xperia X with the release of 2.2.1 Nurmonjoki.
Original version by...
by direc85
GPSInfo is a simple tool to enable and disable aquiring GPS position, and it displays various information about the location, such as the coordinates...
by MartinK
modRana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile Linux devices.
Currently supported features @ Sailfish:
by boggins
PocketTransit is a Geological and Engineering Compass. PocketTransit for Sailfish records the strike and dip of the phone plane, and the trend and...
by mp107
Various GPS and compass based tools, such as displaying of GPS coordinates, speed,
sun rise and sun set for current location (including azimuth),...
by mike7b4
Showing Graph of acceleration and gyro
Showing Compass
Yout can also send accelerationdata to a remote udpserver of your choice
prototypeserver done...
by hooddy
A Compass application useful for navigation.
Shows the magnetic north
Allows setting the travel direction by reorienting the needle
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