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GPSInfo is a simple tool to enable and disable aquiring GPS position, and it displays various information about the location, such as the coordinates, current speed of the device and positioning resolution. The application also displays satellites in a graphical view.

Sailjail support was added in 0.15.0-1.

Translations, issues and other contributions are welcome!

This is a fork of the original GPSInfo by Marcel Witte.

Source code: GitHub

Application versions: 
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm115.62 KB25/11/2019 - 01:50
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.9-1.i486.rpm119.63 KB25/11/2019 - 01:50
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.10-1.armv7hl.rpm114.2 KB25/11/2019 - 23:40
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.10-1.i486.rpm118.3 KB25/11/2019 - 23:40
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.11-1.armv7hl.rpm128.52 KB01/12/2019 - 15:57
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.11-1.i486.rpm132.79 KB01/12/2019 - 15:57
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.12-1.armv7hl.rpm129.19 KB05/01/2020 - 13:08
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.12-1.i486.rpm133.33 KB05/01/2020 - 13:08
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13-1.armv7hl.rpm129.27 KB05/01/2020 - 13:24
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13-1.i486.rpm133.61 KB05/01/2020 - 13:24
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.1-1.aarch64.rpm124.15 KB30/05/2021 - 17:21
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.1-1.armv7hl.rpm121.76 KB30/05/2021 - 17:21
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.1-1.i486.rpm127.77 KB30/05/2021 - 17:21
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.2-1.aarch64.rpm134.64 KB30/05/2021 - 18:52
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.2-1.armv7hl.rpm132.13 KB30/05/2021 - 18:52
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.2-1.i486.rpm138.48 KB30/05/2021 - 18:52
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.3-1.aarch64.rpm135.75 KB26/08/2021 - 11:53
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.3-1.armv7hl.rpm133.52 KB26/08/2021 - 11:53
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.3-1.i486.rpm139.37 KB26/08/2021 - 11:53
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.4-1.aarch64.rpm135.89 KB26/08/2021 - 15:55
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.4-1.armv7hl.rpm133.6 KB26/08/2021 - 15:55
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.4-1.i486.rpm139.47 KB26/08/2021 - 15:55
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.5-1.aarch64.rpm137.5 KB02/12/2021 - 01:25
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.5-1.armv7hl.rpm135.17 KB02/12/2021 - 01:25
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.13.5-1.i486.rpm141.14 KB02/12/2021 - 01:25
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.0-1.aarch64.rpm137.63 KB28/02/2022 - 23:47
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.0-1.armv7hl.rpm135.19 KB28/02/2022 - 23:47
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.0-1.i486.rpm141.21 KB28/02/2022 - 23:47
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.1-1.aarch64.rpm134.34 KB06/03/2022 - 18:24
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.1-1.armv7hl.rpm132.01 KB06/03/2022 - 18:24
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.14.1-1.i486.rpm137.9 KB06/03/2022 - 18:24
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.0-1.aarch64.rpm137.66 KB21/03/2022 - 02:45
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.0-1.armv7hl.rpm135.38 KB21/03/2022 - 02:45
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.0-1.i486.rpm141.08 KB21/03/2022 - 02:45
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.1-1.aarch64.rpm137.69 KB23/03/2022 - 22:49
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.1-1.armv7hl.rpm135.47 KB23/03/2022 - 22:49
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.15.1-1.i486.rpm141.13 KB23/03/2022 - 22:49


  • Add Sensors permission for compass


  • Sailjail support
  • Drop non-working translation changer
  • Rewrite info page creation on startup
  • Reorganize location provider code
  • Increase code readability
  • Built with SDK 3.8.3 for Sailfish


  • Update Slovak translation (thanks, okruhliak)
  • Update Swedish translation (thanks, eson57)


  • Built with SDK 3.8.3 for
  • Make N/E/S/W et. al. translatable
  • Make magnetic north indicator optional
  • Make movement indicator optional
  • Update base translation base
  • Update Finnish translation
  • Update French translation (thanks, Ric9k)


  • Fix binary file path in spec
  • Built with SDK 3.7.4 for


  • Add Slovak to language selection
  • Update Slovak translation (thanks, okruhliak)

For complete changelog please see GitHub.



ade's picture

What is the current state of GPSInfo? Balta released a new version yesterday, also with MR's from you. Does that make this version obsolete, or do we have 2 different versions in openrepos now?

_David_'s picture

Is it possible to include indications on the state of the Almanac?  It would help people to know if their GPS is downloading, searching or just plain not working.

Blumenkraft's picture

Looks like satellite signal strengths are now missing.

Edit: Apparently they weren't. That screen has just switched sides.

kraemera's picture

Works also for me now. Thanks!

kraemera's picture

After installing v 0.15 on Xperia 10 II for me the app no longer shows any compass values (SFOS 4.3). However compass works fine e.g. in puremaps.

direc85's picture

Thanks for reporting! 

This seems to be sandboxing issue; compass isn't included in permission "Location" and there's no other suitable for this either. It be fixed by disabling sandboxing in the .desktop file:


ade's picture

You need the "Sensors" permission for the compass.

direc85's picture

I tried that, but with this the application won't start at all. The documentation says that it's an internal permission that shouldn't be used directly.

ade's picture

Strange, perhaps the compass is called in a non default way. All the compass apps I maintain work with the sensors permission.

direc85's picture

Strange indeed... I guess it can be fixed in the app after all.

Would you like to point out some code with functioning compass? :)

ade's picture

OrienteeringCompass, JollaCompass and SailCompass all function with only "Permissions=Sensors" set.
A sample repo:

carmenfdezb's picture

I've tried with "Permissions=Sensors;Location" and it works fine

direc85's picture

Thank you! I tried to use comma this whole time...

konstan's picture

Ok :)

konstan's picture

...but not in app :(

direc85's picture

Thanks! I'll wait for a few days for any other translations to drop in and then I'll release the update :)

konstan's picture

Slovak translation is done.

direc85's picture

I could have sworn I uploaded the 0.14.0-1 version yesterday, but it's not there... So, there you go, 0.14.0-1 for you!

There are some new strings to be translated, so check them out!

The directions (N, E, S, W) are also translatable, but they don't have to be translated. You all know if it makes sense to translate to your locale, you know better than me, but for example here in Finland NESW works just fine; no one I know has ever used PIEL :D

ABreen's picture

I like the "Time to first fix" as well.
Is the magnetic declination supposed to be automatic? If so it doesn't appear to be working automatically for me.
When I try to enter it under "Settings " nothing is displayed against the declination line on the main screen. Also when I try to put in an East declination which is a negative number it throws up a red error symbol.

I also like the time since last fix

Seven_of_nine's picture

Installed the latest version 0.13.5-1 just now on SFOS /Xperia 10.

I really like the new 'Time to fix' display and also the new compass display 'Calibration', that gives an impression how reliable the compass information is.

How is the 'Magnetic Declination' display to handle?

Many thanks!

direc85's picture

Hello there! If you would like to test the improved bar graph (and a few other things), please check out this pull request for the binaries. It's a work-in-progress, but opinions are welcome, especially about the bar graph appearance. Thanks!

martonmiklos's picture

Many thanks man for further updating this tool. I will push my PRs to your repo as well.

direc85's picture

You're welcome! I'm open to PRs and issues are enabled as well.

carolsteffes's picture

so, its helpful

ade's picture

As I can't create issues on the github project I'll post it over here. Regarding commit : maybe a bit of nitpicking, but just adding  a license of your liking to the work of someone else is not how it should be done. To make things worse, no license (which is the case here) could mean it has copyrights, so any license would have been better than no license.

Did you ask the author to put a license on his original work? That would be the proper way to handle this.

direc85's picture

It's nice to see that people actually pay attention to these things!

I originally made a pull request and waited for two weeks until I closed it. I also noticed that balta3 has been rather inactive in GitHub, and that the comments in Jolla Store long for updating the comment. Therefore I decided to publish my work under the same name, and make it clear that it is a fork of someone elses work. I have to admit that I assumed the developer has abandoned Sailfish OS, and just went with it. If he so wishes, I am more than happy to push my work back to the original branch so that the Jolla Store application can be updated.

And finally, the actual concern which is the license: as @martinmiklos wrote before me, the original project is licensed under GPLv2 license and it is expressed on the About page (although the text only says GPL without a number, the license file is GPLv2). The change I made only makes it clear in the context of GitHub repository.

I hope this fully answers the issue!

Edit: I also enabled issues in GitHub, thanks for pointing that out!

ade's picture

I only checked the github repository, but now it it is clear that it is mentioned in the About page, it is only better that you included the license in the repo. And thanks for doing some maintenance on this app!

direc85's picture

You're welcome!

martonmiklos's picture