by nodevel
Enhance your Kodi videos with Reddit comments or play Youtube/Vimeo/Liveleak/Gfycat URLs straight on your Kodi instance.
Niche application for a...
by lightX2
native sailfish Timelapse video shooting
by MSameer
CameraPlus is an easy to use open camera application.
Cameraplus captures images, records videos, has nice post capture view and a bunch of other...
by Schturman
Simple button for showing IP address.
Please install WHOIS package from here:
or at least apply...
by anenash
This is a simple viewer for filmstrips from the site.
Простое приложение для просмотра диафильмов с сайта
by Louis
This is the whois command known from verious Linux distributions which helps you lookup information about domain names and IPv4 adresses.
I built it...
by nagua
by coderus
Additional search engines for Sailfish Browser:
by yuhnin
AppCleaner is a small application that allows you to force stop an application, clear the cache and delete the application configuration.
Bad news:...
This is the daemon for patchmanager.
You might want to download patchmanager instead.
A small and simple todo list app für shopping lists, task lists,... with colored lists and task descriptions.
Import/Export of tasklists
patchmanager allows you to apply patches: tweaks for Sailfish OS that might modify the user experience in order to enhance it, or personnalize it....
patchmanager allows you to apply patches: tweaks for Sailfish OS that might modify the user experience in order to enhance it, or personnalize it....
by coderus
Alien Dalvik timezone data updater. Just two simple buttons to update timezones and restart aliendalvik
Donations are welcome =)
by olpe
Unofficial devRant browser for SailfishOS
by coderus
SFOS3 compatible patchh in Web Catalog!
Combined patch for homescreen launcher.
Patch only for SailfishOS v2.0.2.43 and newer...
by nodevel
An eduroam connection helper.
A simple application that manages connections to enterprise wi-fi networks like eduroam. You need to either restart...
by cornerman
Only tested with SailfishOS
Swipe right to remove a file in the Documents list view of sailfish-office.
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