by velox
This open source application starts "pkcon refresh", usually inside fingerterm (developer mode terminal). If fingerterm isn't found, it tries to do...
by Wikiwide
Porting from OpenSUSE.
by GiuliettaSW
Quickbar enables access to the most recently used apps directly from the lockscreen and the task switcher.
Launch your favourite app in seconds!...
by sashikknox
You are an wizard, who can only cast spells. You have a dungeon and you want to explore it all, down to the Bottom - 100th level of dungeon.
by nephros
The Captain and the bow of the Queen Mary II. Original Photograph by James Morgan.
by lanodan
Kyclos is a client for Pleroma and Mastodon, an implementation part of a federated social network. Current status is quite stable but there is still...
by nephros
Babylon 5 Ambience.
by nephros
the other Mario Bro
by Thaodan
My updated version of the Pulldown-Covers patch for 3.x
by coderus
Splashscreen changer.
Support only:
Jolla C (and Intex Aqua Fish)
Fxtec Pro1
Do not ask to change splashscreen on Jolla1 and Jolla Tablet....
Calcurse is a text-based personal organizer which helps keep track of events
and everyday tasks. It has a calendar and a "todo" list, and puts your...
clock in ncurses
packaged version for SFOS
by enigma9o7
Supertux 0.6.1 (December 2019).
Requires keyboard or controller - no touchscreen support.
Requires QXCompositor for rotation (landscape) support....
by netvandal
Plan ahead, craft your travel guide and bring it with you on the go. SailMe is a client for Jolla, and allow you to download beautiful and...
by Bobsikus
- this is considered a test package, it won't alter your original package,
if everything goes good, all functions will be migrated to...
by theyosh
This is a simple GUI to add ZeroTier networks and see some information. The options for routing and DNS do not work at the moment. This is a first...
by theyosh
Global Area Networking
Connect cloud, mobile, desktop, and data center resources regardless of where they’re located. ZeroTier saves time and opens...
by ferlanero
Using the gesture based OKBoard by
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