Advanced Camera

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NOTE: Versions 0.9.5 and above are available in the sailfishos:chum repository

Advanced Camera (aka piggz-o-vision) is a community camera application for sailfish devices which utilises the latest features in 3.0.2 to query/set parameters supported by the device.

Allows full control over:

  • Effects
  • Exposure/scene modes
  • Focus mode
  • Resolution
  • White Balance
  • Flash mode
  • ISO

Currently selected parameters are displayed on the buttons where possible.

Tapping the screen sets the focus circle when in Auto/Macro/Continuous

Hold the shutter button to focus and take an image when in Auto/Macro/Continuous focus mode, other modes take an instant image.

Exposure mode will typically provide a HDR mode for taking HDR images.

Known Issues:

  • XA2 cant take HDR photos, this will be fixed in a future SFOS-X release
Application versions: 


  • Continuour-focus fixes from @llelectronics
  • Meta-data additions from Lukáš Karas


  • Revert a change that broke getting the viewfinder resoltuion on startup


  • Added support for 4.1 Multi-camera (thanks @llelectronics)


  • Added aarch64 package


  • Add settings for audio/video bitrate
  • Hide menus that are empty becuase the device doesnt expose them
  • Fix image orientation on some devices
  • Add save location menu


  • Fix manual focus bug introduced in 0.6.5


  • Keep display on during video recording and playback.
  • Fix setting the resolution when switching camera
  • Fix playing after regaining focus
  • Gallery: delete intended media instead of the current one




  • Menu fix in portrait mode


  • Added share button to gallery
  • Added proper page rotation



  • Minor cosmetic fixes for light ambience
  • Translation updates


  • Add/fix manual focus mode
  • Add video player
  • Allow hardware focus/camera button to operate the shutte


  • Make camera switching work
  • Fixed light themes invisible mode and buttons hard to see
  • Add portrait orientation photo taking mode
  • Focus circle tweaking

Thanks to @llelectronics for many of those fixes


Video Recording
Digital Zoom
New setting dock
Bug fixes

Added icons for effects
New app icon
Translation updates

Updated to fix crash introduced in 0.2.1
Fixed focus mode switching

Fix viewfinder resolution on non FHD devices
Minor code improvements

0.2 - Initial release


stephan's picture

Looks good , just to report using it on 3 camera enabled 10 III by patch


-efects greyscale etc.. don't work.

-icon for wide angle is one tree, icon for tele lens is 3 trees, should be reversed?

-where I expected to find exposure I find a slider for zoom (which I rarely use) Where is the exposure - maybe I am overlooking it?

-a feature I am looking for is the possiblity to assign a custom map per foto shoot session, could save a lot of time in file management.





Bsingleto's picture

I love this app! Been completely happy with it since figuring out how to install it from the right repository. There is a problem with the battery draw when using the app if i forget to completely close it down. This is the only application that runs as if the screen is still on if you forget to manaully close it down. So, i've learned to close ('X') out of the application after recording any video. Because if i do not, i will pull the phone back out from my pocket 45 minutes later and will see a lower battery percentage number by about 30 points and a phone that is now warm to the touch.

This was something i noticed when i was trying to record various shot takes and angles to put together a fun montage, but took a bit too much time between getting back to what i was doing for something like a ''before & after comparasion video” or any a change of location videos with multiple locales.

If i left the application ON in the background even with the screen shut off (blank/black) this application will drain the phone battery out.

Its something i know to keep an eye on so it doesnt stop me from using the XA2 as my video camera rig.

BohdanKoles's picture

Not working fox Xperia 10 Plus (only showing black screen)

robang74's picture

BUG: the Swap zoom controls does nothing even restarting the app.

Some chages suggested here:

Bsingleto's picture

Wow, its fixed by following the first line under the previous page that gives instructions to this app. It looks like i had a .0 version and a .7 version was available to download from CHUM repository and not this outdated StoreMan. Well i installed another StoreMan app and the CHUM store, and THAT VERSION the camera on the rear camera DOES WORK. I got to test it out more, but that major gripe is resolved for me.

piggz's picture

Ha, well, it does say that in the first line of the description, in bold :D

Bsingleto's picture

Can someone please update this please. The focus breathing is unbearable on the stock app for recording video with no option to set focus like with this advanced camera application.

jeanpierre_2's picture

with XA2 Ultra and SFOS 4.4 it drains the battery very fast around 15% to 20% per hour

and of the the phone gets pretty hot

jetset's picture

wont start on xa2 with v4

Bsingleto's picture

Mine Does start but i have issues using the video fully. The front facing camera works for video, but the rear camera does NOT record/come on.

elkiaer's picture

New version from 2.1.2022 "harbour-advanced-camera-0.9.6-1.7.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm" do stil have an issue with the main camera on my XA2.

After installation I have run the following commands with no luck:
pkcon refresh
pkcon update
zypper ref
zypper dup

elkiaer's picture

New version from 7.12.2021 do stil have issue with the main camera on my XA2.

glanternier's picture

Hello, do you plan to support 21:9 résolution for Xperia 10 and 10 II?

Seven_of_nine's picture

Hi piggz, tried to install on xperia 10 / SFOS just now. At download, spinning circle never ends, icon occurs on app grid, app doesn't start.

superoxyde's picture

Hi Piggz,
On xperia 10 II, on sailfish, Advanced camera installed itself without issue. But the app is not starting. The main screen never shows. Do i miss a dependency?
Thanks in advance for your help.

nowave7's picture

Same for me on XA2 running

itoss's picture

Is it possible to write gps data to the photo exif data ?

piggz's picture

Yes, click the settings icon and there is an option for that.

Seven_of_nine's picture

@prometheos: no, the photo is full black and nothing is visible on it. Have now and will retry installing and will report soon
Edit: on the selfie camera works with some settings, others not. The main camera never works.

elkiaer's picture

Same for me, I thought it was a SDK issue.

piggz's picture

I have a similar issue on my Volla phone, will investigate (works ok on my pro1)

Seven_of_nine's picture

SFOS @ Xperia 10: black camera image & image size (number of pixel) not working.

prometheos's picture

@Seven_of_nine: you mean "back camera"(AK Main Camera)? 

@piggz same misbehaviour confirmed on my Xperia 10 Plus/i4213 with SFOS

JacekJagosz's picture

4.2 didn't break just older phones, but Xperia 10 as well

albatros1965's picture update on Sony peria XA2 H4113 seems to break main and selfie camera access.

When app is launched it shows all setting posibilities, but the image remains black.

Xeno_PL's picture

4.2 update on Sony peria X (Compact) seem to broke main camera access.

When app is launched it shows image from main sensor for a brief moment, then image goes black. Tapping to refocus shows image for a second then it goes black again.

Selfie shooter is ok.

Termitebug's picture

Hardware keys doesn't work currently. Version info: XA2 Plus, SFOS, AC 9.0. In the meantime I have to use stock camera app. No hurry and thanks for this app!

zipotron's picture

Hello again, amazing app, I use instad the stack one always! But I miss something, to be possible to block the screen or at least the touch digitalizer and shot with the volume buttons, for use in wet envirements or under water. I was trying to shot a picture on a lake and was impossible!


Other thing would be great is to adjust manually the light (in a scroll as there is already for zoom)


Thanks for that great job!

sapphous's picture

O glorious piggz! Your app is magnificent! I beg you, add a flash setting that keeps the light continouously on (like a flashlight) for night photos! Long have I sought this power, to no avail!

TMavica's picture

I cant change the 3 camera in v8.1, but 8.0 is work
