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Native SailfishOS Telegram client

If you want to help me to language translation, please do so at transifex

Donations are welcome:  PayPal EUR   PayPal USD

Application versions: 
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm251.43 KB02/01/2015 - 12:04
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.3-2.armv7hl.rpm268.81 KB16/01/2015 - 19:51
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.3-3.armv7hl.rpm272.76 KB21/01/2015 - 17:25
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm293.34 KB17/02/2015 - 14:20
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.5-2.armv7hl.rpm294.93 KB20/02/2015 - 17:04
File harbour-jollagram-0.1.6-4.armv7hl.rpm1.86 MB23/06/2015 - 14:56


  • Now jollagram can be run and receive messages in background, the app will be closed by pulley menu option not from task manager
  • Reduced startup workload:
    • conversation view will be updated only when synchronization ended
    • synchronization will produce only one notification for every chat not for every message received
    • Image thumb downloaded by default, a button placed on right of the thumb allows to download the full picture
  • Added enter key option to send message in settings page
  • Added: online, last seen status in contact list
  • Added typing info in contact list, conversation and chat page
  • First management of documents media message
  • changed color of sent messages
  • new contact info page, as attached page from chat view
  • new group chat info page, as attached page from chat view
  • implemented: rename and add contact to group chat, available in group chat info page
  • new shared media page, reachable from contact or group chat info page
  • various bugfixes
  • managed new emoji icons set
  • correct bug mute/unmute conversation
  • updated translations



  • revised restore connection procedure
  • optimized first start and reconnection procedure
  • solved bug of messages sent with unknown status
  • solved bug of messages received multiple times
  • correctly received as a sent message, the messages sent with an other telegram client (need to restart of the client after that first synchronization with server telegram was completed)
  • added chinese(taiwan) translation


  • now jollagram is able to receive:
    • messages already read from a other client,
    • avatar of group chats,
    • media messages: photo, position, contact and video preview (download of video and files aren't supported yet)
    • update of avatar, contact name and group chat title 
  • added url management on text messages
  • added context menu for text message with copy function
  • changed the behaviour of online/offline status, online when app is active offline when in background
  • first enhancement of network connection management
  • red background on cover page to warn about network issue
  • bug fixing:
    • properly anchored message submit button 
  • Known issue:
    • at the first start of the new release, synchronization with telegram server will require more time than usual


  • fixed: sent/read tick, in group chat, now works properly
  • new localization available for the following languages: Chinese (Taiwan), Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. Tks to hanhsuan, slaveriq, mijnheer, tattuh, Jordi, buschmann, jupaja, mgbler, Unreasonable_Behaviour, anykeyich, lewa, zxcvbnm3230, ari.jarvio, Eminem, newton181.1, ElGris


  • now properly loads the unread notifications at startup time
  • it's now possible to add contacts from phonebook
  • redesigned process to create group chat
  • new context-menu in conversation page to delete/mute conversation
  • solved problem of keyboard focus
  • displays correct name of group chat when opened from notification
  • Added in mainview, message status for: not connected, online e offline mode
  • when the app is not connected the cover page offers reconnect option instead of online/offline action
  • added italian translations

Known Issues: receiving a message from an unknown contact is not properly managed, as a work around you can read the message from the official client and add the contact to your contact list.

Use this work around to avoid repeated notifications of this message.



First release with basic functions:

At the moment only text message for chat and group chat are enabled

By default, clicking on the notification do not open chat page but brings to the conversation page, from settings you can change the behavior

From the pulley menu of the page settings you can restore the connection if you need to

It's possible to create a new group chat

From the shortcut on the right, in the cover page, you can switch online/offline mode

fixes: error on open chat and duplicate messages




jollauser1's picture

Deinstallation does not work properly. App icon disappears, however the notifications continue. Please fix this!

Thesix's picture

Testing this now :)

Thesix's picture

First test: fail - replies to my messages are not displayed.
Second test: fail - conversation history is not visible.

So far this is not a solution :(

sdiconov's picture

There is much to do to make it useable yet:
- A daemon to reveive messages like sailorgram,
- channels,
- !!!proxy settings!!!,
- voice calls.

Proxy is a must to stay connected when main servers are blocked.

tordemus's picture

How to comletly delete it??? Its still in notifications after deleting!!!

v_podzimek's picture

Hello, I'm having troubles setting up jollagram. I'm not getting the code after I enter my phone number and name. This may be an issue on my side, but last time I was setting up a Telegram client (on a BlackBerry), I was getting the code via two different ways (SMS and a different client) at the same time. Could it be that jollagram asks for the code in some bad way? Thanks!

v_podzimek's picture

I just tried the official Android client (from F-Droid) and it works fine with my account -- I get a login code and I can login just fine. However, once quit it does't run in background so I'm not getting any notifications. Maybe they changed the authentication API? I'd really love to switch to Jollagram if possible!

Pohli's picture

Hello, installed Jollagram for the first time on my Jolla 1 with Sailfish OS, then want to log in but after I typed in the 5-digit code, received from Desktop app already running, I don't know how to proceed. Pressing Enter key does nothing, pulley menu only shows "Send sms code" but I already got the code.

What to do?


There's a typo under the line where you enter the code: code recived


Pohli's picture

Argh, forget it. I chose that Send sms code option and it worked but the name "Send sms code" is a bit irritating. Code doesn't always come per sms.

xix's picture

Works like a charm on SailfishOS - Intex Aqua Fish. Thx + Donation to keep up the good work.

andyn's picture

Completely unusable since it does not support 2nd factor password, which cannot be disabled.

foufoutos's picture

i cant recieve anything plz help me

subeditor's picture
  1. I installed new SIM recently, re-installed Jollagram, but app still uses my old account. Is there any way to change account?
  2. None of the items in the pulley menu of contact screen is available - I can't share, block and so on.
eisen's picture

iam using, can´t receive anything, no text, no pics. i only can send text...

greets andré

subeditor's picture

The same problem - only text messages are available.

koshir's picture

Do you plan to implement secret chats?

And loading previous conversations from the cloud?

hobarrera's picture

"You are using an outdated app that doesn't support 2-step verification. Please update your app to log into Telegram".

Regrettably, I can't even log in. The "2-factor" is in reality a mere password,

joba's picture


many thanks for the native app. just installed on my new jolla. sending messages works fine, but i dont receive replies. any suggestions?


spidernik84's picture

I have the very same problem: I see contacts online, I see them typing, they receive my messages but I don't receive theirs.
Is there a log or debug mode?

Galaham's picture

I've got the same problem. It seems that everytime 3G turns to 2G or to Wi-Fi, I'm not able to receive messages anymore. I have to go to the settings and select "return connection" and I can receive messages again. Only the ones that were sent when the connection was lost, I won't receive at all.

I think that the app should connect automatically to the network everytime the network changes from one to another. 

joba's picture

hmmm, dont get messages even if i stay in the same network/connection type. i get the notice ' typing' but the message itself doesnt appear

Galaham's picture

Did you try "reconnect" from the settings-> pulley menu? It does the trick for me.

joba's picture

...tried, but reconnect didnt work for me, 1 contact works - sometimes - 2 others dont hmm?

marco73f's picture

I'm investigating the problem,

I hope to solve it quickly, if needed I will prepare a version with more log to find the bug

joba's picture

thanks, good work so far :-)

ari_jarvio's picture

Comment deleted

spidernik84's picture

Hello Ari. You can add emojis via an emoji-ready keyboard. One of them is Dolphin and you can find it here in openrepos.

spidernik84's picture

Hello Marco, thanks for all your efforts and for the great work. It's nice to see more native applications coming!

I was wondering if you had any plan to open source it or, at least, to put up an issue tracker on github. I'm sure there's plenty of us willing to contribute with some feedback or coding help.
I think the github issue tracker would be more suitable than providing bugs here in the comments.

alina's picture

Playing SMS tone when receiving a message is an annoying bug.

marco73f's picture

It is one of the first things I want to solve ;)
