DeadBeef Silica

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A Sailfish port of the DeadBeef audio player.

NEW: Finnish translation


  • Wide range of supported formats:
    • Lossy audio: MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, DTS, WMA, MusePack, MP2, MP1
    • Lossless audio: FLAC, APE, WavPack, ALAC, TTA, Shorten
    • Uncompressed audio: WAV, AIFF
    • Tracker music: MOD, XM, IT, S3M, STM, PTM, MTM, 669
    • Game music: GBS, AY
    • SID tunes
    • MIDI (requires FreePats package installed)
    • Other rare audio formats (most of them are not tested)
  • Cuesheet (.CUE files) support
  • Gapless playback
  • Streaming radio support
  • Multiple playlists support with ability to save and load playlists in M3U, M3U8, PLS and native DBPL formats
  • Support for tags in various formats
  • Playback Queue support
  • 18-band graphical equalizer
  • Support for various playback orders (linear, shuffle tracks, shuffle albums, random) and looping modes (loop all, loop single song, do not loop)
  • scrobbling support
  • Support for controlling playback through the buttons on a lockscreen
  • Support for controlling playback through Bluetooth headset buttons. It currently works on a phones with Bluez5 only (Sailfish X at least). Support for phones with Bluez4 (Jolla 1 and some others) is expected some time later.
  • Support for controlling playback throught wired headset button (Call/Hangup single-press - play/pause, double-press - next track, triple-press - previous track)
  • Support for playing files directly from ZIP files
  • Option to restore previous session at startup

Available and upcoming translations:

Статус перевода

Please feel free to propose your own translation or a fix for existing one using online translation service.

Known issues:

  • MMS streaming protocol is supported but currently broken
  • ALAC is currently broken
  • PLS playlist format is currently broken
  • BT headset unplugging always pauses playback no matter if "Pause playback when headset is unplugged" option is enabled or disabled

Please use bug tracker to file bug reports and feature requests.

Application versions: 
File deadbeef-silica-0.1-10.3.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm102.59 KB25/12/2017 - 18:20
File deadbeef-silica-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1019.3 KB23/04/2019 - 19:54
File deadbeef-silica-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm183.05 KB08/06/2019 - 17:36
File deadbeef-silica-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm203.08 KB24/08/2019 - 11:32
File deadbeef-silica-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm200.94 KB09/11/2019 - 17:29
File deadbeef-silica-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm201.25 KB19/01/2020 - 15:38
File deadbeef-silica-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm206.85 KB09/02/2020 - 13:33
File deadbeef-silica-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm208.32 KB22/02/2020 - 14:27
File deadbeef-silica-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm212.84 KB12/04/2020 - 15:58

- Added Finnish translation

Full changelog


kravich's picture

Yes, bluetooth controls are not implemented yet. This feature is planned and should appear in one of the next versions.

carmenfdezb's picture

Thanks for the update!! ;)

kravich's picture


carmenfdezb's picture

Deadbeef can't play a .mod file that I have. Have you ever tried to play tracker music? Does it work?

kravich's picture

Yes, MOD playback works for test files I have, but I didn't tested tracker music support very thoroughly. Could you please email problematic file to me so I can analyze the problem?

lispy's picture

Gapless Playback!!! Thank you so much...

kravich's picture

Glad you like it!

carmenfdezb's picture

Nice!! Thanks for the update!! I'm working on Spanish translation, I will do a pull request to your project soon ;)

kravich's picture

Awesome, looking forward to it =)

kravich's picture

Hi All. As some of you may have noticed, version 0.2 was available here for installation. Unfortunately, I messed up something with package versioning and this prevented old installations from successful update, so I rolled everything back to prevent spreading bad packages. Updated version will be provided once I'll fugure out how to fix this. Sorry for inconvenience.

kravich's picture

The problem with updating of existing installations should be resolved now. However, please write me if you still experience any problems with installing updated version.This may happen in case if you installed some updated packets of this application before (these packets were built improperly).

Ygorr's picture

Please add search throug library, add to queue from list(add to what play next), increase play speed with 5% step

kravich's picture

Hi Ygorr! Sorry for the late reply. Playqueue support is already implemented and will be a part of a next release, which is not so far I hope.

As for the medialibrary and playback speed adjustment - this requires support in deadbeef core and therefore more difficult, but I will try to implement this anyway (at least medialibrary which is quite demanded feature).

sdiconov's picture

Even the new package fails to install. It complains about libzip but there is no package to fill this dependency.

kravich's picture

This problem should be fixed now, please check

kravich's picture

Hi All. It was found that system update replaces libav package with the new one that is incompatible with current deadbeef package. This leads to removal of this application upon update, and makes it impossible to install it again after.

For now I workarounded it by disabling "ffmpeg" plugin in this package, and application became installable again. Because of missing ffmpeg plugin some secondary audio formats may become unplayable. I will try to fix this issue properly along with next update of GUI plugin.

Kabouik's picture

So glad to see DeadBeef on Sailfish, thanks a lot for this.

247's picture

Yes, exactly this one...

247's picture

Nope this is different...i am complaining that only default media player stutters...other players are working fine and default media player has been stuttering since day for this, i don't have any patch installed so i don't think there is some conflict, but considering this is an alpha it might be bugged (no offense intended) considering i need even to remove every folder related to dead beef to make it work again...i would launch it from terminal to see the output but i don't know the exact name to input...

kravich's picture

If player does not open at the second time, it probably means that the first instance hangs on shutdown and prevents new instance to be started. I recall I saw this problem once but I was unable to reproduce it again. Could you please execute "ps ax|grep deadbeef" command when problem happens and provide output?

Also, to start player from the terminal to see it's output you could use "deadbeef --gui silica" command.


247's picture
kravich's picture

Hmmm, this is definitely not a hangup on shutdown since 'ps' shows no instances of application before it is started second time. I have created an issue and will try to reproduce it on my side.

The thing that worries me is the bunch of warnings at the end of the log... Origin of some of them is known, but I have not seen others before. Could you please send me a list of patches and custom system software installed on you system by private message so I can check them by myself?

247's picture

Patches? jolla 1 is completely stock, i don't even have patchmanager installed...i just have lpm enabled (via terminal) and an icon theme which only covers android you want to know the apps installed?

kravich's picture

No, I don't think that regular apps are involved. Since there is only two system tweaks, and lpm could be discarded due to locality of it's influence, the only thing left to check is the icon theme. And as I remember, console log of the player actually contains some warnings related to it. Icon theme you use is this one, don't you?

247's picture

First bug i noticed is the fact that it opens just one time, then you need to unistall and install it again to open the way, i assume this player will never have album and artist view right?

kravich's picture

Hi 247! Do you still observe described issue with the new version of this application?

I checked logs you provided before and can't figure out what was the cause of a bug. But a lot of time has passed since and many versions of software has changed, so it worth to check if this issue is still here.

kravich's picture

>by the way, i assume this player will never have album and artist view right?

Currently deadbeef core supports only playlists, but when original author will finish "medialibrary" plugin, various medialibrary-related use-cases (including artist and album view) could be relatively easy implemented in this port. However, it does not seem that this will happen in the near future.

Markkyboy's picture

Sounds more like a problem with your device, seeing as you are complaining on TJC that mediaplayers are stuttering and now you say DeadBeef needs to be removed and reinatalled to open it again - this is not the case for me, I can close and open the app repeatedly without problem, so it is not a bug, at least not in my opinion.

Kelmi's picture

Awesome to see first sailfish native player that supports .cue files! I tested this app and yeah .cue files opened.


Very simple player lack of features but let's wait future updates. I'm keep to testing this player and gladly report possible bugs and suggest some features. Thank you for this app!

kravich's picture

Kelmi, thank you for feedback! Yes, .cue support was the primary motivation to start development of this app =)

I hope I'll be able to provide new updates soon.
