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SyncEvolution allows you to sync your contacts and calendar with SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV servers on the Internet.

This is a beta release and some features may not work properly. Please always keep a backup of your data.

This package contains a newly written GUI for SailfishOS. It is still a work in progress and some features are still missing.

SyncEvolution will not be available on Harbour for the foreseeable future, as it violates numerous Harbour rules, including the installation of libraries, daemons, D-Bus services, and access to privileged PIM data.

Application versions: 
File syncevolution- MB27/01/2014 - 09:33


stephan0h's picture

Can't install on SFOS3 ... sad.

wcr's picture

Same problem here! I really would like to have syncevolution work on SFOS3 as it did before, for years. Only seems to be missing...

stephan0h's picture

I need to reinstall this having the latest version of SailfishOS on my phone. When trying to do this, it tells me that the repository can't be found. Any ideas what could be the problem?

Thanks a lot for the effort!

accumulator's picture
stephan0h's picture

Very cool - thanks a lot!

bomo's picture

@ovekaaven Thanks for this! Would it be possible to update (or just rebuild ?) to make it work with the latest version? It doesn't install because it says is missing.
I guess this may be because they updated libical, please see

wcr's picture

Indeed I have exactly the same problem. I have always used syncevolution earlier and would now, after the update, very much appreciate if it could function as before!

The error message was "nothing provides needed by syncevolution-"

wcr's picture

Through some really (for me) complicated searching, I found this page which contained the totally adequate solution for me. So what I did is uninstall the previous broken version by

zypper remove syncevolution

and I then did

zypper in

and this again gave me a perfectly working syncevolution. As always, I just wonder why this could not be a little easier. I am surely not the only user of syncevolution who regularly updates his sailfish version?

nomeata's picture


on I see a few releases from this year. Who knows, maybe the fix some of the issues I’m having... are there plans to keep this package up-to-date?

Thanks, Joachim

jjaone's picture

Are there any instructions avaiable on how to make Contacts and Calendar two-way sync to work in Jolla ( using this SyncEvolution? Has anyone been able to do this, and how does the Contacts/People sync with ownCload perform (do all the fields stay in sync)?

Together-forum topics related to this don't provide any answer and in TMO I didn't find anything practical on this..

Thanks for any info ;)


Edit: found this:, but the question is, does it apply to 1.0,8.19?

damourti's picture

Ah, jjaone, you are back? I'm happy to here that I'm not the only one to find issues using Syncevolution, I will try the post you sent and I hope we can get more updates soon

damourti's picture

No success with Syncevolution yet, but at leat CalDav does work well with the CalDav account in the Jolla. (it looks more like a 1,5 way sync though, not sure what does not work sometimes, Emoji are not working)

In my case, "personal" is the name of my calendar in my webcloud. I suppose that the link can be checked in your owncloud, close to the calendar options.

borghal's picture

Thank you for porting this! Since native caldav sync is quite broken, I tried to set up syncevolution. I'm stuck with an SSL verification error:

First ERROR encountered: transport problem: PROPFIND: Neon error code 1, no HTTP status: Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted

I tried

syncevolution --configure --sync-property SSLVerifyServer=False --sync-property SSLVerifyHost=False <config-name>

but that didn't change anything. Can anyone please help?

jukey's picture

There was a need for me to set up my phone completely new. After installing warehouse and syncevolution it seems the templates for sync services are not installed. So the frontend is useless. Please let me know how to improve this.

robomike's picture

Any idea about "Error 508", following "Status 10508"? I cannot sync my contacts anymore, calendar is still working. -print-items still lists the contacts, access to the cloud is also possible, "refresh-from-server" mode deleted the oc contacts, but when trying to read the local database, it stops with status 508. Is this caused by the new firmware?

DigitalBrains's picture

I also cannot sync my contacts anymore after updating my Jolla to Saapunki. Same status and error messages while connecting to a Funambol open-source server instance (SyncML). It has always worked fine before; for quite a while already.

Asseon's picture

I had this problem too.
After deleting all contacts on the phone it worked again.
Please backup contacts, before trying this ;)

damourti's picture

Hi @Asseon,

could you provide a detailled explanation of the process to use SynEvolution with a OwnCloud server eventually? That would be of a great help!

conradhughes's picture

Worked for me too, thanks.  There are working instructions for deleting all contacts here:

DigitalBrains's picture

I finally got round to trying this, and it worked for me too. Thanks for the hint!

robomike's picture

Thanks for this hint, it worked for me. I guess the reason for this was  Saapunki's "SIM Application Toolkit support". It installed an application with some useless numbers of my network provider, and these numbers tried to become part of my contact list. 

I made a backup and imported the ~/.vault/People/data/all.vcf in my owncloud. After that I deleted all contacts from jolla and restored it from the OC by doing a slow sync. 

McKnight's picture


So I tried to synchronize my jolla calendar with my ownCloud account using the template WebDAV, and sure enough nothing got synchronized and all my calendar entries on my phone got erased in the process... Apparently SyncEvolution does an automatic backup before doing th sync, but I have been unable to restore my calendar so far. Does anyone has a clue about how I should do this?

I tried to restore using "syncevolution --restore /home/nemo/.cache/syncevolution/webdav@webdav-THE_DATE_OF_SYNC/ --before webdav calendar" but this does not work (tells me that there is no such source: calendar). Can anyone help me with that?


ovekaaven's picture

I've noticed that the "Mode Override" in the GUI works the wrong way in the case of WebDAV, but haven't gotten around to fixing stuff yet. Maybe after my upcoming exams.

Did you create this config using the command-line or the GUI? More specifically, is your sync config really called "webdav@wedav"? Did you put in the correct date of sync? You can look into what directories exist under ~/.cache/syncevolution (or use syncevolution --print-sessions) to find the date and time you need. In the end, the path you give to --restore must exist. (Also, you could try specifying "webdav@webdav calendar" instead of just "webdav calendar" at the end, just in case, though it's supposed to work both ways if "webdav" is unambiguous.)

naytsyrhc's picture

Works like a charm. Is it possible to create new calendars in Jolla for syncing? Currently I can only sync one of my remote calendars, because I only have the default calendar in my Jolla. But I'd like to sync some other remote calendars as well. I thought about trying to "hack" the available calendars by copying, but I didn't dare to do so yet, because I'm do not know the details. I thought you (as an expert) may have an idea which steps would be necessary to do that.

Anyway: thanks for providing syncing. Really works great and your work is much appreciated.

Jogi9990's picture

Hi all, did anybody manage to sync "icloud" calendar or contacts via webdav? Sync URL should be my icloud details (which I found on my mac).

Jogi9990's picture

Hi all,

after I tried a lot, now I am at the point, that I receive the information 

"... failed to open QtContact database"

Any ideas? 

chris's picture

Hi, first thank you for building Syncevolution for the Jolla.

I configured my Jolla for to access my owncloud via CalDAV/CardDAV. As the GUI configuration didn't work for me, I created a shell-script to configure syncevolution. Here is my solution: Maybe it will help someone.

damourti's picture

Hi @chris, I'm trying your script, but could you give me please some hints for the configuration? I use as a server, webinterface works very fine. You can try the demo here with admin/admin as login/password

What would be the correspondance for the following lines of your script:

target-config@portknox <alias for the addressbook>

Thank you!

nixpanic's picture

For syncing with Zimbra (over WebDav) I have to use a client-side ssl certificate for authenthication. I can not find a way to configure this, any hints are much appreciated.

Jogi9990's picture

Hi, how could I add a template? My problem is, that there is no template available, after I chose "Add service". I understood, that there should be the WebDAV template available, but I could not see it. BR Joerg
