by bruce
Basic Sailfish application for TramTracker, arrival estimations for Melbourne's tram network.
美图秀秀 is a popular photo editor in China. This app's primary language is Chinese.
- 独有的图片特效轻松打造各种影楼、lomo效果
- 强大的人像美容功能:一键美白、磨皮祛痘、瘦脸瘦身等
- 自由拼图、...
Commute with confidence.
Put detailed local public transport information at your fingertips for 460 cities in 46 countries. With just a few taps you...
Explore nearby restaurants, cinemas and group coupons.
This app's primary language is Chinese.
Netease news client is netease to create the best products in the application, has become the first domestic news client, due to experience the most...
街旁 Jiepang is a Chinese localised check-in service similar to foursquare. It can sync with Weibo and Renren.
by basil
Awesome mobile twitter client for MeeGo Harmattan with personality. Full of features and stunning design, Rocket is a social media tool for all your...
by chuci
A simple ambience based on a photograph taken on a beach on Milos. The ambience doesn't contain any sound files so the default SailfishOS...
by marxian
MusiKloud is a fully-featured client for SoundCloud that allows you to browse, search, play and download tracks and sets.You can also access your...
by mattaustin
Live departure information for Perth metropolitan train services. View the service information by station, including: direction, stopping pattern,...
by darvari
ffmpeg as a single, self-contained static binary
-it can be used to downsize recorded videos before sending them over 3G or slow wifi.
-it can of...
by NielDK
OBS! This version unfortunately no longer is working.
Please hold on for a new version (nodejs based)
Prey lets you keep track of your laptop, phone...
by NielDK
Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities.
But fcron makes no...
by hedayat
Saaghar is a cross-platform Persian poetry software. It uses Ganjoor database. It has lots of features:
* Tabbed UI
* Tabbed and dock-able search...
by hedayat
Prayers is an Islamic prayer times application which uses PrayerTimes library which provides more accurate results for some methods like Tehran...
by rcolistete
Derivative v0.7 is an easy to use, free and open-source application to calculate mathematical derivatives.
See the Talk topic about...
by mikel83
Measure Tool for Sailfish OS.
This application allows user to measure distance and height of an object.
measure distance
measure height
by NielDK
krdc-vnc-qtonly is a (commandline initiated) VNC client for, which utilizes QtWidget to create the graphical display of the remote desktop server....
by gexc
proxychains is a hook preloader that allows to redirect TCP traffic of existing dynamically linked programs through one or more SOCKS or HTTP proxies...
by Acce
ShellEx is the GUI shell executor for Sailfish OS.
Core features are:
-run, save, label, sort and edit commands.
-you can run the commands in...
by NielDK
WHAT TrueCrack IS?
TrueCrack is a brute-force password cracker for TrueCrypt (Copyrigth) volumes. It works on Linux and it is optimized for Nvidia...
by NielDK
TrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted
volume (data storage device).
On-the-fly encryption means...
by NielDK
Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh...
by sevanteri
This patch is now part of the Sailfishos patches (advanced) package.
If you still have problems uninstalling, run this command:
rpm -e --noscripts...
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