You are a small robot named Roboto, an ordinary boy who recently learned to ride his new racketboard, but the trouble is that his beloved...
You are a small robot named Roboto, an ordinary boy who recently learned to ride his new racketboard, but the trouble is that his beloved... |
Do you love run n' jump games or do you hate them? Whatever the case, Dalton - The Awesome is made for you! Be sure that you think twice before... |
MeeCatalog is a simple tool to search, browse and install software packages available in the software sources configured to the device. You can... |
This is an app to edit shortcuts on Nokia N9/50 that which appear at the bottom of the screen when we drag up from the bottom of the screen and... |
Settings page for Sailfish OS, which allows you to change volume and snooze interval for calendar and clock alarms. Source code:... (32)
GPSInfo is a simple tool to enable and disable aquiring GPS position, and it displays various information about the location, such as the... (28)
Download URL: https... (2)
Download URL: ... (1)
Download URL:... (1)
This library contains functions to display DVD video menus. Provides: (1)
dvdread devel... (1)
If you have a legacy app that needs and updated to SFOS4.3+ or you have a Jolla1 and want to use openssl1.1.1 but system libraries... (9)
This is a fork of fooxl/syncdings, to have an aarch64 version. Best use it together... (3)
Installer for the native client for Sailfish OS (718)
Theme Tool for Sailfish OS is a little handy utility to check out the details of your current ambience. It shows sizes and colors of various... (8)
Sailors, take care of your eyes! Based on Tint Overlay app. ... (9)
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