This is a small tweak of .desktop file of the Waze app. It will allow you to start Waze app and automatically switch Bluetooth ON for fast...
This is a small tweak of .desktop file of the Waze app. It will allow you to start Waze app and automatically switch Bluetooth ON for fast... |
“TranslateAll” is Google Translate API based language translation app for MeeGo smartphones developed by J.O.E, ... (2)
This is a save game editor for Galaxy on Fire 2 for the Nokia N9. Having this game installed and at least one save game is a pre-requisite to use... (1)
QuickYM is a Yahoo Instant Messenger for the Meego platform - it's a simple application for users to keep in touch with their Yahoo buddies. |
The small stuff to help you record a phone call (cellular call) (1)
simple daemon. |
A Douban Fm for Sailfish Sailfish OS上的豆瓣.fm应用,只实现了基本的登录,选择频道,收听/加红星/屏蔽功能
今后更新一般会在Jolla harbour商店,此处更新频率不定 (1)
Music Player for Harmattan (8)
QDL is a user-friendly, plugin-based download manager that can support downloads from any filehost, providing the appropriate plugin is installed... (4)
Daedalus Musicplayer is an flexible musicplayer for SailfishOS. It is based on the versatile gui of the MPDclient SMPC. Features: (20)
Ampiaiskala is an app for following Finnish news from newsportal (http://www.ampparit.... (2)
Shows Calendar summary on the lock screen abusing ambience wallpaper (and other (25)
This is a Python 3 module for watching filesystems changes. pyinotify |
exNote is note taking application for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan. Similar to default system tool. (4)
This is a Python module for watching filesystems changes. pyinotify |
Vim,Vi IMproved.the editor. Add desktop icon. Build GUI version(GTK+ 2.0). version:7.4 patches:1 - 552 (1)
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