by cnlpete
ttrss is a Tiny Tiny RSS Reader App for the Nokia N9 and Jolla smart phone, written using Qt/QML. It uses the Tiny Tiny RSS API.
Tidings is a news feed and podcast aggregator. Always be up to date with the latest news of what matters to you on your mobile device. Please note...
Client for the ownCloud/Nextcloud News App. Successor of ocNews.
by joeysys
A simple selfoss client About selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application Features...
by mkiol
Multi aggregators mobile feed reader Kaktus requires backend service (an aggregator). Currently following RSS aggregators are supported: Netvibes Old...
by halftux
News/podcast aggregator cuteNews is a user-friendly news and podcast aggregator than can be extended via plugins. This version is for openssl1.1.0...
by Hudhand
Old but working RSS reader for NewsBlur.
by Hudhand
[2013] RSS reader for Google Reader and then for Feedly. UPD 24.01.20 Authorization also does not work, apparently feedly now support only TLS 1.2 or...
by piggz
A mobile client for the ownCloud news application. The ownCloud news application is a self-hosted alternative to RSS services like Google Reader of...
Not maintained anymore. Please use Fuoten. Native SailfishOS client for the ownCloud News App. Synchronizes with your ownCloud server and can also be...
Native Harmattan client for the ownCloud News App. Synchronizes with your ownCloud server and can also be used offline (at least you can see all...
by mp107
Publishes RSS feed items in the home screen's events feed and links the items directly to the URLs pointed to by the items. The RSS feed URLs can be...
by mp107
A global rss news aggregator. Keep updated with the latest news around the world right on your phone. Ovi Store archived link:
by mp107
  Daily headlines from Google News. Simple yet elegant. Features: - 50+ editions - search for news - configurable topics - images can be disabled -...
by cnlpete
ttrss is a Tiny Tiny RSS Reader App for the Nokia N9 and Jolla smart phone, written using Qt/QML. It uses the Tiny Tiny RSS API.
by wrzof
A universal feed parser module for Python that handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, Atom 1.0 feeds.   Seem MER OSB
by mkiol
An unofficial Netvibes feed reader, specially designed to work offline. Kaktus is an unofficial client of service. Using Kaktus you can...
ownNews is a native Sailfish OS application that brings the news to your device from your ownCloud news account. This is very early version so expect...
by zaidk9
Can't Add New Links but Can Use the Defaults :(